This script section I created is a more reliable way of finding the RGSS window handle
than the usual method of reading the game's game.ini file. This function is meant to be
used in conjunction with other scripts that rely on the RGSS Player window, including
mouse systems, screenshot systems... This approach was first used in my Pokemon
Essentials project and I hope it will be of use to others.
Specifically, the approach followed by this code is more robust against changes to
the window's title bar (for example, when checking the game's FPS), as well as against
cases where more than one instance of the game is running; the approach instead finds the
window belonging to the process the game belongs in, which is unique to each instance
of the game.
The script code follows.
Calling "Win32API.pbFindRgssWindow" retrieves a handle to the game's window, or raises
an exception if the window cannot be found (to prevent this, uncomment the line
"raise 'Can't find RGSS player window"; then the function returns 0 if the window cannot
be found).
than the usual method of reading the game's game.ini file. This function is meant to be
used in conjunction with other scripts that rely on the RGSS Player window, including
mouse systems, screenshot systems... This approach was first used in my Pokemon
Essentials project and I hope it will be of use to others.
Specifically, the approach followed by this code is more robust against changes to
the window's title bar (for example, when checking the game's FPS), as well as against
cases where more than one instance of the game is running; the approach instead finds the
window belonging to the process the game belongs in, which is unique to each instance
of the game.
The script code follows.
class Win32API
@@RGSSWINDOW=nil'kernel32','GetCurrentThreadId', '%w()','l')'user32','GetWindowThreadProcessId', '%w(l p)','l')'user32','FindWindowEx', '%w(l l p p)','l')
def Win32API.pbFindRgssWindow
begin,nextwindow,"RGSS Player",0)
if nextwindow,processid)
if wndthreadid==threadid
end until nextwindow==0
raise "Can't find RGSS player window"
return 0
Calling "Win32API.pbFindRgssWindow" retrieves a handle to the game's window, or raises
an exception if the window cannot be found (to prevent this, uncomment the line
"raise 'Can't find RGSS player window"; then the function returns 0 if the window cannot
be found).