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Find what graphics a map uses before transfer player

Im trying to find a way to make an hash of graphics used in a map before the player goes there. i tried reading through all the code but im not really seeing an easy way to do this. I use a custom data type and a cache(for faster loading since its slightly slower then bitmap.new) I just want to be able try to cut down the time by loading the files into the cache before the player even trys to transfer. I know ive seen scripts that open and read the contents of the map.rxdata files before, i just couldnt find one. can anyone help me out?

Thanks for any help you can offer
Here's a little thing I made long ago to do just that:

[rgss]class MapGraphics
  def tileset(map_id = nil)
    # Returns the name of the tileset of map with MAP_ID
    return get_tileset(map_id).tileset_name
  def autotiles(map_id = nil)
    # Returns an array of autotile names of map with MAP_ID
    return get_tileset(map_id).autotile_names
  def fog(map_id = nil)
    # Returns the name of the fog of map with MAP_ID
    return get_tileset(map_id).fog_name
  def panorama(map_id = nil)
    # Returns the name of the panorama of map with MAP_ID
    return get_tileset(map_id).panorama_name
  def characters(map_id = nil)
    # Returns a array of character graphics of map with MAP_ID
    graphics = []
    pages = (get_map(map_id).events.values.collect {|e| e.pages }).flatten
    graphics = pages.collect {|page| page.graphic.character_name }
    return (graphics - ['']).uniq
  def get_tileset(map_id)
    map_id = $game_map.map_id if map_id == nil
    map = load_data(sprintf("Data/Map%03d.rxdata", map_id))
    return $data_tilesets[map.tileset_id]
  def get_map(map_id)
    map_id = $game_map.map_id if map_id == nil
    return load_data(sprintf("Data/Map%03d.rxdata", map_id))
$mapinfo= MapGraphics.new

Its stored in the global variable $mapinfo.
Usage is as follows:

  • $mapinfo.tileset(MAP_ID)
  • $mapinfo.autotiles(MAP_ID)
  • $mapinfo.fog(MAP_ID)
  • $mapinfo.panorama(MAP_ID)
  • $mapinfo.characters(MAP_ID)

If the MAP_ID argument is omitted, it will use the current map ID as default.

If you really want to get in-depth with it, you could add a few methods to enumerate through the event code and find picture graphics, etc.

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