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Final Fantasy VII: 2D Remake - Demo inside!




I must admit, after staring at it for a few days the sprite on the left is really growing on me. The colour scheme seems a lot more nostalgic to me, and for that reason I think I will adopt it more or less as is. :)
ust played your demo and I have to say that from a technical standpoint, this has got to be the most impressive thing ever done in RPG Maker 2003. My hat is off to you, good sir.
I think I can really play the original is not bad for you, it's just a different experience. However, in the battle, I got some serious lag.
Wow, I can't believe that this is actually . . . well . . . amazingly well done! I'm usually skeptical of projects that try to remake FF games, but this . . . man . . . please keep going sir! I would gladly replay the entirety of the game if you were to somehow remake it completely (not an easy task i know, but woooow. I am floored.)

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