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Final Fantasy: Crystalline Twilight

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That emotional scene looks extremely nice.

The excessive rocks in the water on the cave scene knock it down a notch, but the idea is good. Perhaps edit the rocks a bit to give some variety.
Powerdude247;136214 said:
When can we expect a demo?
The truth is, I don't know. I tend to take my time with my games. I'm done with about a quarter of the first chapter.

Anyway, too bad to see this is only 'decent' to you guys. Guess I'll just have to keep working on it.
I can't decide, so I'll just ask you guys.

So, which set of summons should I use: The totema/lucavi ones or the classic summons? I was going for the totema/lucavi ones, but I still like the classic ones. So, help please?

Also, I haven't been really progressing with the story lately, but now atleast I have some sort of a battle system. I even put a screenshot up. I know it looks pretty bad right now, but I'll work on it.
It depends, more people use the classic ones like myself because they're more easily recognisable as "Final Fantasy" summons. However if you're not trying to go all out "Final Fantasy" then I suppose using the ones from Tactics Advance and XII are a good way to do it.
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