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[Filled] World Map Script Needed

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I'ts not exactly what you are looking for but I requested a few changes to Sephiroth Spawns world map script, but he decided to completely redo it, so maybe he could add a few options to it that would make it more like this.

If you don't know of that script, you can look in the screenshots in my project thread, it's the first screenshot.
You have a map that is just a standard rectangle (made in photoshop in my case) and then the script gives it that globe effect my distorting it around a sphere. You take the coordinates of all your locations in paint for example, and then in the script call you can position all your different towns etc.

But SS is in the process of making it much better and completely redoing it to add to his test bed i think. So I assume suggestions are more likely to be added at this moment in time.
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