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[FILLED] Spawning Events

I know there's something like this somewhere but I tried to search it and didn't find anything. I guess you all know what spawning is (frequently used in 3D games).

The main idea, in the case of rmxp, is to make a map with events in it. Then, in an other map, you use a simple line of script like
x and y are the coordinates (duh!)
map_id is the id of the map containing the desired event
id is the id of desired event

And a new event appears on the map at the given coordinates!
I hope I'm not asking to much! If you need more informations, feel free to ask!

Thanks a lot
Check in my test bed topic or beta in signature (may have updated it in beta). I have an event spawner that has hours of documenting on it so instructions on making events is rather clear (or clearer than without it).

Let me know if you need any help with it.

(PS: Next time, use the Lost Scripts)

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