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[FILLED] Level based skills...

I was wondering if anyone could make a script for me that allows the user to create skills that only affect certain characters based on levels... to clarify, think the level 5 death, level 4 holy and level 3 def-less skills that quina gets in FFIX... they only affect targets whose level is a multiple of 5, 4, or 3 respectively... if anyone could do this for me, i'd kiss your feet and call you God... :please:

Of course, this isn't something i expect for free... i want this so much that i am willing to do three custom sprites, you choose the style, or one Kaizer side view battler.:twothumbsup:
I could do this, but by default, enemys dont have levels, so you have 2 options:

I could finish my Enemy Levels System that gives enemies dynamic stats based off the partys levels


Just create a constant that gives enemys specific levels


Randomize the enemy levels. Something like the second one, but you just define a range and it will randomly pick from the range.

As for the actual skills, you would just put a Level n in the name, and I will use scripts to test to take out the n and whatnot. I could also do something with elemental tagging as well.

Whatever works best: Just let me know.
OMG... I started a war between two gods of the script?
@sephiroth: I like the idea of having a range of levels for monsters that way i won't know if the attack will always work against them.do that one please. the skills need to be able to be used by enemies as well...
@Trickster: I'll go look through your topic now and see if i like the skill scopes or if it looks to hard. *can't read topic... damn hacker ruining good data*

anyways... this is for my blue mage. the level based skills are used by enemies and him alone.
Blue magic based on levels:
LV7 Flare
LV5 Death
LV4 Holy
LV13 Curse

there might be others... i haven't decided yet.
So everyone can see it, here it is:

# ** LevelBasedSkills

module LevelBasedSkills
  # * Skills Levels
  #  ~ skill_id => level
  Skill_Levels = {7 => 5}

# ** Game_Battler

class Game_Battler
  # * Alias Listings
  alias seph_lvlbsdskls_gmbtlr_se skill_effect
  # * Apply Skill Effects
  def skill_effect(user, skill)
    # If Skill is Level Based Skills
    if LevelBasedSkills::Skill_Levels.has_key?(skill.id)
      # If Level is isn't divisible
      unless self.level % LevelBasedSkills::Skill_Levels[skill.id] == 0
        # Sets Miss
        self.damage = "Miss"
    # Original Skill Effects
    seph_lvlbsdskls_gmbtlr_se(user, skill)


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