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[FILLED] Easiest fucking menu ever.

First off, this is Despain. I'm on a secondary account because I was accidentally banned (and yes- it was accidentaly. The warning system is glitched and added instead of subtracting).

Now that that's cleared up, this is for my Two Week Game contest entry. Ah, yes. That's why I don't want to wait until my real account is unbanned.

It's really fucking simple- take a look.

http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/1896 ... bledn6.png[/img]

Displays the gold, the game's level (the number determined by a variable, please). Then there's three options: items, which calls the item menu, roster, which calls a common event, and exit, which returns to the game and backs out of the menu.

Should be really easy. And as I said, this is for the contest, so I need it as soon as possible. Of course you'll be credited, and if I win the contest, in which the prize is twenty dollars, I'll throw you a few of them through paypal.

Despain does do a good job asking for simple things well (as aposed to "give me a mario cart script").

Thanks, I always try to make things easy for whoever would take the time to help me. Most of the time whenever I request something it's basically framework and menu stuff that calls a common event that I'd do myself. Like with my battle system. I could easily have made it so much more complex with the ammunition system and everything, but Mr. Mo did plenty with the active count thing, and I can do the rest easily with events.

Plus I always make sure to provide clear examples. That way I don't really get a bunch of people asking me to clarify and- like this topic- I can come back from being gone all day and find it done.

No idea whose I'll go with, heh. I thank everybody for taking the time to do this for me, however little. I'll try Mr. Mo's version first, since he helped me a lot with my Sandfall battle system and did such a great job. Thank you everyone, and we can call this resolved.

Edit: After messing with them, Linkin T's has a really cool drop-down effect that I think I'll go with. I feel bad that I can't use all of them. :x

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