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[FILLED] Deterioration System

Before I delve into this script, may I warn people that they might find this somewhat morbid and I hope that the system does not strike any raw nerves or upset anyone who may be close to the subject matter.

The basic set up is, the character in question (from here on known as Kayou) is a very weak girl. She is slowly dying from a heart problem, and while her frail frame may be a deceptive shell for an extremely strong martial artist, her powerful fighting techniques take a toll on her body.

What I want is a system that gives Kayou an unremovable status effect which, after a certain amount of time (say 5min realtime?), detracts 1hp from her MAX HP. Medicine can raise her MaxHP again, but over time she will grow steadily weaker. Also, I want a way to make it so that all of Kayou's special techniques also detract from her MaxHP.

Any help with the script would be much appreciated! :D

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