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Field Enemies Script - For 'The Ridden'

Field Enemies Script Request

I ran into a small rut with some scripts that I was using to make my field enemies and assassination feature. So now, I need a brave scripting master (lol)
to script my entire Field Enemies feature. I will break down as specifically as possible! Here we go!

What are 'Field Enemies'?
Well, apposed to having random battles, which are drab and BORING. I wanted to introduce a used yet spiced up battle feature.

We've all seen monsters traversing maps, but my idea is a bit different. Instead of having these monsters walk aimlessly around the map and attack you when you touch them or come in their view, I want you to be able to interact more with them. Now I'll break it down into 'Phases' for you.

Map Phase
The enemies on the map can walk randomly or in a fixed route. Interaction with enemies before battle ensues depends on three factors: position, sight, and timing.

If you see a monster wandering the map you can choose to avoid it by simply staying out of its view. Each monster will have a view cone. If you come into view of this 'cone' (which is not visible) the monster will attack you! Now, let's say, you want some tasty EXP, but don't want to go into battle, here comes assassination. If you can manage to sneak behind an enemy, you can assassinate them, which means killing them, and skip the battle. You receive 3/4 of their EXP. To assassinate you just walk directly behind the enemy and press the Action Button.

Now let's say the monster attacks you. The battle which ensues can differ depending on where the enemy attacks you from and how long it takes to get there.

If the enemy sees you with your back turned, it will quickly attack you, and the battle will start with 15% damage deducted to your party. If the enemy attacks you on your flanks, or your sides, you lose 5% damage to your party.

Battle Phase
The normal battle will occur and end as normal.

Post Battle Phase
If you won, the monster will disappear, and you keep your EXP. If the monster kills your entire party, however, you gain no EXP and start back at the beginning of the map. Nothing lost besides the battle. No more Game Overs, and "Oh shit! I forgot to save!".

I will try and get some pictures up tomorrow, but it is late and this a decent description of how I'd like it done.

Thank you,
If I make this you are going to use it this time right?

Actually I am doing a similiar request the encountering enemies on the map, but I am adding stuff to it. this request will just be an edit of that script

but I haven't started on the script yet, keep poking me (note poke me too much and I'll get annoyed, but not enough and I will forget about you)
Even I forgot about that script for a while! EIB this is pretty similar to the script I requested but that had loads of cool features, you should search for it. Like enemies that act as ghosts, wall crawlers etc - their behaviour is different depending on what you assign to the event.

I can see this definately conflicting with nears old view range - so i guess ill have to redo all the stealth sections with nears updated SDK version.

Trickster when you do do it, if its easy to make compatible with his nears old version could you do that? I don't know scripting so I don't know what I am on about! :P
Yeah, actually at the time iceshiva was away from the forums and even though someoene posted iceshivas, Trickster said that he would go ahead and make his own version anyway.

The version that was posted of iceshivas doidnt seem to have as many options as I had remembered... So I don't think that was the latest version.
Calibre;184887 said:
Even I forgot about that script for a while! EIB this is pretty similar to the script I requested but that had loads of cool features, you should search for it. Like enemies that act as ghosts, wall crawlers etc - their behaviour is different depending on what you assign to the event.

I can see this definately conflicting with nears old view range - so i guess ill have to redo all the stealth sections with nears updated SDK version.

Trickster when you do do it, if its easy to make compatible with his nears old version could you do that? I don't know scripting so I don't know what I am on about! :P

Well I have my own View Range script, but I don't see how Near's View Range would conflict with the script I am making :)

Concerning your request I am still thinking of the best way to do it, I may end up adding a few movement functions and then add them upon request like iceshiva had done.

Raiju;184889 said:
Didn't iceshiva already make this script?

Yes but it is very old.

EiB;184899 said:
Well I'll just wait and see what Trick does. I was using lobosques cone, but it isn't very versatile. For some reason, I was getting errors with Nears, as well.

My View Range Script supports Cones, Circles and Rectangles as the event's view this script will be an edit of that script to allow for battles.

Thank you for viewing

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