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FFX Blitzball Player Selection

Ok, need a script like the ffx blitzball player selection for my game Pokemon:Windchasers. I really had no idea how to name the script so thats what i came up with as the idea is from the game, anyway onto some details about the system.

For the people who havent played FFX i will explain as much as i can about the idea. In a certain point in the game you have the ability play blitzball, after the match is completed a new action becomes avaliable if you talk to people. So, say i walked up to Joe (just a random name) and hit "X" then the character would normally talk but if i was to hit "square" then stats on the screen would pop up with how much he is worth and what position he can play. At least i think that is what come up, havent played ffx in a while.

What i want is something similar, so i want the "a" button to talk normally to the NPC and if you press "b" and if they are someone you can have on your crew a status screen will pop up saying:

Crew Position- IE Gunner, Chef, Cabin Boy. (if there is any other crew type positions please add them)
Description- A brief biography about the person
and lastly, what type of pokemon they use. As in elements not the actual pokemon. Heres an example-

Name-Joe Fury

Crew Position-Gunner

Description- Joe was born in a quaint little country town, his father was a hunter which is where learnt how to use a gun. However, the love of pokemon was greater then the thrill of the hunt so he set off on a journet with pokemon, however the gunner in him always remained.

Pokemon- Steel and Ground

Im pretty sure all this could be done with eventing but, i would prefer it to come up in its own little window other then just a whole bunch of text like the normal talking would. I, of course have looked for this but havent had the ability of founding it, i could always look harder i suppose.

IF there is anymore info you need then please state it, hopefully this can be made :)

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