I really don't understand your reasoning, in my opinion the graphics for FF7 were shit, even for their time, they could have done a whole lot better and that was proven through other games at the time.
It was the story and gameplay of FF7 that brought so many people to love and respect it. It re-defined the RPG Genre. It's story is complex, involving and enthralling. Which unlike many RPGs before that wasn't full of cliches. Very few RPGs before Final Fantasy VII were actually very original in storyline. I'm not saying there were none, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy VI, Breath of Fire to name a few were all brilliantly original stories.
However the majority of RPGs pre-5th Generation consoles were very cliched and unoriginal even in the Final Fantasy Series, and yes before anyone asks, I have played through EVERY Final Fantasy, as a matter of fact Final Fantasy IV is one of my favourites of all time.
Anyway, my point is, I very much disagree that it was the graphics that made Final Fantasy VII possibly the most loved game of all time internationally. If anything in my opinion the graphics were the only thing letting it down, it's story was brilliant, it's musical score was fantastic, the characters were all interesting and original and for the first time in a long time in RPGs there was no "I am your father's mother's brother's sister's aunt's goldfish's nephew!" styled cliches.
Final Fantasy VII redefined the RPG Genre and I seriously cannot see how someone can say it is the weakest of the series, especially if so many people fell in love with the game for their own reasons.
I'm Petros L. Ioannou, thank you and goodnight!