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FF6 Veldt script

I was wondering if there was a way to make an area that works like the Veldt in Final Fantasy 6.

For those who haven't played Final Fantasy 6, I will try and explain.

It's rather simple actually...the enemies you can fight on the Veldt, is any enemy party you have defeated. This is only random battles...but also 2 or so bosses (I'm not sure why)...

So, what I'm looking for is a script that changes a Maps Enemy Encounter settings to include all enemy parties that have been encountered thus far, with a way to disclude certain parties (like bosses and stuff)

Also, while we are working the Veldt, there is something else I would like.

Gau's Rage and Leap system. It's kind of complicated, but I'll try and explain. One of the characters in FF6, Gau, has a very unique way of getting new abilities. Instead of Fight (basic attack) he has Rage. Rage lets him select from a list of monsters that have been "Leaped". Leap is only usable on the Veldt, and when activated, Gau leaves the party temporarily and ends the current battle instantly. After a few battles on the Veldt, Gau will show up after the battle, with some new Rage commands. The new Rage commands he gets are from the monsters that he Leaped on.

About the Rage list...it has every monster that Gau has leaped on thus far. When you select a monster, Gau goes into auto mode and uses attacks based on the selected monster. I believe it also gives him certain status effects and elemental attributes based on the monster as well. The thing is, often times the abilities he starts using aren't useable by the monster he is Raging. For the sake of this script however, I wouldn't mind if all it does is make the Raging character use Skills that are usable by that monster. When Gau is raging, the only way to stop him is to KO him...(though perhaps Petrify and Undead work as well)

So, what I'm looking for is:
-A script that changes the enemy parties to work like FF6's Veldt.
-A script that works like Gau's Rage and Leap commands.

I'm more interested in the first one...
Also, if you want more detailed or better explanations, I will try and explain it better.
A screenshot would be useless.

@Armor King 108
I'm currently working on recreating final fantasy 6 systems so everything you have mentionned above will be included. If you want to make it your self, you can make an array (or a hash maybe?) in which you can set which troops you want to be added in the Veldt and another array (or a hash maybe?) in which you add the desire troop to handle which troop is now available to encounter on the Veldt.

I know it's seems easier to say than to do but if you have some experience in rgss, you can do it easly. On the other side, if you are ready to way a little bit, you can take a look at my topic and wait untill the system is done.

Final Fantasy VI SDK




uzumakishade;144793 said:
i think i kind of understand what you mean for the second one, kinda similar to blue magic in a way isnt it?
It is, yes. ^^ Gau's Rage and Leap system is FF6's form of blue magic. They tend to recreate "old favorites" each time they make another installment in the series.
It is, yes. ^^ Gau's Rage and Leap system is FF6's form of blue magic. They tend to recreate "old favorites" each time they make another installment in the series.

Well, sort of. Strago's Lore is a lot closer to Blue Magic. Gau's Rage is sort of like combining Berserker and Blue Mage with an added twist, at least, that's what I think of it as.

I know it's seems easier to say than to do but if you have some experience in rgss, you can do it easly. On the other side, if you are ready to way a little bit, you can take a look at my topic and wait untill the system is done.

Yeah, about that...I just cannot understand RGSS in the slightest. But I remember seeing that FFVI SDK topic before. I guess I should just wait for that...

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