Okay, I wasn't sure if I was supposed to post here or in the GubiD's TBS topic, but I figured it could just be merged into that post if this isn't the place 
So yeah, problem/question #1:
Okay, so...I was messing around with this script, and I wanted to test some level up things, set the exp earned to 5000, still earned like 2X or 3X. So I read the help files...
Came across:
-Enemy Level/Class- #must be configured otherwise exp gain during battle will be skewed.
So, I opened up that script and well, I didn't really understand it too much...
Okay, so I didn't really see how that affects experience earned, so I added in:
That didn't change anything either. (and my testing battle enemy's id was 40 btw...:P)
So, my question is...how do I change how much experience is earned when defeating a monster?
Problem / Question #2
Whenever I change the map properties to have random encounters, after the battle, I'm transported to a different map then what I started on, I checked out the help area in the script and it said to change the -module_GTBS or something of that sort, and that script is no where to be found, and I copied all of them over...so I don't know if it was from a past release and has been moved/removed, or if I'm blind or what, so a little help there would be nice :P
So yeah, problem/question #1:
Okay, so...I was messing around with this script, and I wanted to test some level up things, set the exp earned to 5000, still earned like 2X or 3X. So I read the help files...
Came across:
-Enemy Level/Class- #must be configured otherwise exp gain during battle will be skewed.
So, I opened up that script and well, I didn't really understand it too much...
class Game_Enemy
Enemy_Classes = { 1 => "Golbin",33 => 'Guard', 34 => 'General', 35 => 'Archer', 36 => 'Blood Mage', 37 => 'Elite Guard'}
Enemy_Levels = { 1 => -1, 33 => 3, 34 => 6, 35 => 3, 36 => 8, 37 => 5}
def class_name
c = Enemy_Classes[@enemy_id]
return "" if c == nil
return c
def level
lev = Enemy_Levels[@enemy_id]
return 1 if lev == nil
return lev
Okay, so I didn't really see how that affects experience earned, so I added in:
40 => "test" (under Enemy_Classes)
40 => 5000 (under Enemy_Levels)
So, my question is...how do I change how much experience is earned when defeating a monster?
Problem / Question #2
Whenever I change the map properties to have random encounters, after the battle, I'm transported to a different map then what I started on, I checked out the help area in the script and it said to change the -module_GTBS or something of that sort, and that script is no where to be found, and I copied all of them over...so I don't know if it was from a past release and has been moved/removed, or if I'm blind or what, so a little help there would be nice :P