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Female President in '08

I haven't seen (not that I'm the supreme authority regarding these things, far from it really) the middle east refusing to cooperate with Condoleeza Rice (who also has the black thing going for her) doing her thing over there. I still don't think that being a woman will prove to be such a big obstacle that America risks being set back in any way. Even with things being as they are in the middle east. I'm an optimist about tolerance something that is lessening each day, but I'd like to hold on to this belief thankyouverymuch.
I just don't like the idea of people voting for Hillary because she is a woman or Obama because he is black.

And for the people who do vote for these motives, you'll find people voting for the other guy because of the same reasons. That's democracy for you.

LightAndMagic;251834":1i7x3q99 said:
Then again, I don't have the greatest view on American Politics considering I'm Canadian.

That's obvious considering Clinton isn't allowed to run for president anymore having already served two terms. Sorry, I had to say it. I'm a bitch. ^_^
Condi has done pretty much everything she's done in Israel and Lebanon, from what I understand. Israel is, as you may know, a Judaistic nation, while Lebanon actually mandates that half its government be Christian/Catholic, and the other half be Muslim. She's done a lot involving Palestine, which is indeed a muslim... thing (are they a country?), however I understand they are primarily Sunni, which, again as I understand, classically have more "progessive" views of women (I'm not an expert on Islam, so feel free to correct me if I'm critically wrong here - I also do, in fact, understand that Al-Qaeda are Sunnis. They aren't the ones I'm worried about. I also recognize that this has a lot to do with fundamentalism, but we'll just let that be that). The same holds true for Egypt.

In Saudi Arabia, she is hitting a brick wall, and isn't even trying anymore. They still lock schoolgirls inside of burning buildings if they aren't dressed properly (as in, they weren't wearing veils), and I think they still execute women who commit adultry.

Iran? Well. I don't think I have to say how much good she's done there.
She's threatened a bunch of other people, but none of them have listened.

I'm not saying she's doing a bad job, but she certainly doesn't convince me that a female president will deal well with the middle east in its current condition.

And, she may be the second most powerful woman in the world, but she still isn't the president of the nation. That may well be doing her a world of good.

(You realize that when I say "middle east" I'm referring to particular aspects and nations thereof, and not the literal entire region, right?)
And for the people who do vote for these motives, you'll find people voting for the other guy because of the same reasons. That's democracy for you.

I know people vote for those reasons, I'm just saying they shouldn't. At least not if there gender/race/look is the sole reason they vote for them.

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