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Feedback with a idea

Im creating a powerful way of dealing with general rpgmaker 'effects'. Now my
scripts have two ways to be configurated, one, the simple, using a hash and you dont need to do nothing.

The other is the complex way, with a pseudoscripting using formulas i give. This complex way lets you configurate any effect using all the rpgmaker information. For example, in my multisuable items script, you can create a enemy that make that all items are eternal when you are battling with him.

¿How you do that? Well , you have diverse methods for each effect or action that
by default just use the simple configuration, but you can configure at your will
making anything. Exist a method that calculates the uses of a item, thats called each time you have to write the information or use it, so, you can configure there to make anything.

I know its more slow but its the price, and also, itsnt that slow to matter anyway.

Here you have a example. This is a method of my improved battle script for ACBS. Its called to calculate the excalibur syndrome of a actor(this syndrome make that physical attacks makes 1's of damage randomly).

This is a somewhat example of what i was thinking:


  def calc_excalibur_syndrome


      n = 0

      r = use_simple('excalibur_syndrome') # You can get the simple configuration using that method, note that if the creator dont add nothing, this is the only thing used.


      # n is the value of damage of whatever, and r the value of % of being applied

      # You can create effects only for  weapon

      if  weapon 3

        # This effect depends on some marks that are actived throught the game history,making the weapon less usable

        r += 5 if $game_switches[40] 

        r += 5 if $game_switches[41] 

        r += 5 if $game_switches[42] 

        # By actor level

        r += @level/10


        # By the actor %pv or ph

        ph_perc = maxsp/@sp

        case ph_perc

          when 95..100 then r += 1

          when 85..95 then r += 2

          when 75..85 then r += 3

          when 50..75 then r += 6

          when 35..50 then r += 18

          when 20..35 then r += 36

          when 10..20 then r += 75

          when 3..10 then r += 90

          when 1..3 then r += 95





      # This is used to test if the test is applied, or not

      if r.to_i > rand(100)

        return true


        return nil




Note that i have written a manual and a few functions to use, to get any value or information. These manual have 3 levels of knowledge:

These is the list of features that have each user level:

-Actual enemy troop (for some effects)
-Apply all valid options to enemies too
-Sum and rest
-Base modifications
-You can set the some effects probabilities to be applied in %
-Skill id

-Event variables
-Options order and multiply, divide, and % support.
-Posibility to use event variables individually for each actor or weapon, for example.
-Other extra information and functions

-Game switches
-Use of random and modify internal random formula
-Use of max and min
-Other extra functions
-Support to create more complex formulas and asignements.
-Skills learned
-Gold, steps, save count, items, weapons and armors numbers, actual seconds, minutes
-Modifiy game formulas
-Timer count, map id, player event x and y positions,
-Battlers str, dex, agi, int, hp, sp, maxhp, maxsp, evs, pdef, mdef, atk, crit,
and if is guarding.
-And also actors level and experience.
-Testing with p
Note that you can set these effects for enemies too, obviusly without equipment
and class but using the other things.

It also include the features to add, rest, divide or multiply (applyiong % too), or
create default values with any of that. Finally, you can use event variables to
modifiy each of thats asignements, so you can use a event variable for each
actor in the game.

Finally it also lets you set more easily the script formulas without a
lot of rggs knowledge.

My pros are:
-I needed that because is what i was seeking for my games.
-You can make whatever you want.
-Its still simple, and grows in complexity
-Will make that some users connect easily with scripting.
-As a scripter, is very interesting to script a lot of extra things just using a common set and precreated methods.

What i am doing is to apply this to any of my scripts, and also, im thinking in creating a extension that let you script the calculation of the battlers atributes and other things.

The system is very advanced and i will release it with the protype(or maybe with the alpha or demo...) of my actual project that will use it(and my scripts updated).
Well I can say this looks fantastic and useful. Cant wait to use it whenever you finish it.
But I'm wondering, what feedback/input are you looking for? Great topic, but I'm not sure what you want from it.

Thank you for viewing

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