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Fantasy Books?



I've decided to write the story for my game in actual storybook form but I need some fantastical inspiration. Are any of you guys reading or have any of you read some really awesome fantasy books you can recommend?

P.S I'll pass on Lord if The Rings
The most recent book I read was A Darker Shade of Magic. But its just set between parallel Londons were magic and society is different in each one.

Brandon Sanderson has a book, Elantris. Which is about a magic city were people become immortal but the magic sorta stoped one day. So their bodies stop healing. So small scratchs add up over time and the pain never stops.
I thoroughly enjoyed The Blade Itself by Joe Abercrombie. It's not high fantasy though. It's mostly humans, magic seems pretty rare and isn't off the charts in terms of power. The structure of the story itself is what I loved so much about it though.



I was actually looking into a book by Brandon Sanderson called The Way of Kings. I guess he must be a good fantasy writer!
Anyone here tried to read translated Japanese light novel? Most of them were already adapted into anime. I like it when it comes to fantasy and world-building.

Starting a new collection.
Fantastic. They're the source of a lot of humour in games such as RuneScape to be honest.

I would start with Guards Guards or Mort and see how you like them. They get better after those (but not before).
I couldn't get into the Long Earth. I got the premise, I just found it incredibly boring. I guess my imagination is getting wonky as I get older; I just couldn't picture anything they were describing. I think I should have read some fancy Steampunk inspiration stuff beforehand.

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