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Fade into another BGM



This is probably easy to do but I don't claim to be a scripter =p

I have made two different versions of my world map mp3. They are exactly the same, except the second version has more tracks for percussion and various horns to add some flair.

This is what I want to do, and it would be a cool effect (I think it was done on a Zelda handheld game). On my world map I want it to play the first version of the theme as the BGM. But, when I go to particular maps from the world map (say a house thats on the world map) I want the BGM to change to the second theme on the exact same place it was on the first theme.

This is hard to explain I know =p. Basically, you enter the house or temple or something and it starts playing the second theme on the exact same time the first theme was playing so you have a transitional effect from one to the other.

Is this possible? If anyone could do it I would really appreciate it -_-

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