Glad you like the template, i'm still working on the outer tile (i just can't move on till i am happy with it) and i'm now working on a small inner tent as well, i did switch to Rmvx for a while actually but.. yeah it's just too limiting for me in the end, the auto cliff and limited space for house walls is what did it for me anyway :/
Well i have added that better darker skin color originally for nexter to this temp, and i took one pixel off of the head too, this here is the final look for it, it can now be found in my photobucket page and i will upload it here and to the sticky later on.
Everything happens for a reason, after working on that magician for nexter and i returned to facile i started remaking the magician plus some other characters i felt could have looked better, the magician is almost complete but i've been working on the tileset for a while now, i have darkened some things and added some more stuff like this tent here.
Well that's all for now, if the topic dies again i will bump it when i have something worth showing. ... Remake.png ... ithHat.png ... Remake.png
Female warriors hair is crap, i will be redoing that. ... remake.png ... incess.png ... -tents.png
Top post edited with the newer material, got rid of the alternate eyes because they where too big, the standard eyes of the template are better, i will soon remove the tile sets as well soon.
Some news, I have just created two male sleeping poses (frontal and side) and will do the same for the child and female, will post when all complete.