note: ok, so i know you've all seen really badly done facesets done in facemaker, and that its generally not accepted to use it in your game, and that they all look the same, etc. ive heard it all before. and while i thank you for your opinion, i dont need to re-hear anything said above. kay? good, glad we're on the same page.
basically i want your opinions, and yes ive heard people bitching about something you make using another program. but lets face it, not everyone has skills with digital art. (even if they think they do.) and i didnt use only facemaker, i used photoshop to touch up and change colors, etc.
basically i want your opinions, and yes ive heard people bitching about something you make using another program. but lets face it, not everyone has skills with digital art. (even if they think they do.) and i didnt use only facemaker, i used photoshop to touch up and change colors, etc.[/IMG] ... /witch.png[/IMG] ... knight.png[/IMG]