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facesets critique?

note: ok, so i know you've all seen really badly done facesets done in facemaker, and that its generally not accepted to use it in your game, and that they all look the same, etc. ive heard it all before. and while i thank you for your opinion, i dont need to re-hear anything said above. kay? good, glad we're on the same page.

basically i want your opinions, and yes ive heard people bitching about something you make using another program. but lets face it, not everyone has skills with digital art. (even if they think they do.) and i didnt use only facemaker, i used photoshop to touch up and change colors, etc.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v463/lordnick5000/darkmage-1.png[/IMG] http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v463/ ... /witch.png[/IMG] http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v463/ ... knight.png[/IMG]
Well, as far as facemaker goes, these are exceptional. In comparison with other, original facesets, they're pretty bad.

Honestly, if the game that you're gonna use these in is good, then I won't care, as they're not atrociously simple, like many other facemaker facesets.

Nice work.
Though they look a little off and I'm not sure why that is, perhaps the vibrant look, but if it matches any other part of the project your working on then a good job on the editing.



The color combination of all of them right next to each other made my eyes bleed. As 60 said, if they match everything else in your project, they will be fine, if not...
FaceMaker graphics aren't anything special, sure, but these are top-tier FaceMaker sets since you did edit them to make them look a little more congruous.

Games like Quintessence are still really good games that still use FaceMaker graphics; it won't break you, as long as the game is good :').
Venetia;331948 said:
FaceMaker graphics aren't anything special, sure, but these are top-tier FaceMaker sets since you did edit them to make them look a little more congruous.

Games like Quintessence are still really good games that still use FaceMaker graphics; it won't break you, as long as the game is good :').
Thank you for reminding people of this!! XD
Honestly... I do understand why people are tired of FaceMaker faces. But I don't think it's fair to write off a game because of it, or even to make a really big deal about it, if the game is good overall. For someone who has no artistic talent, does not have access to friends who are willing/able to help with some drawing, what other options are there? Yes, you can find a lot of anime-esque faces around the web that could concieveably be used, but what's not easy is finding face SETS; you might find a really cool pic, but finding an entire set of really cool pics that are all usable for a game depicting the same character in different emotional states... that's another story. And for me personally, if I couldn't depict more than one emotional state, what's the point? If the face is ALWAYS just gonna be the same face, then I might as well not bother with faces. And FaceMaker faces > no faces at all.
So...yeah. ;)

EDIT: Yeah, maybe I should say something on topic huh? lol I MEANT to, I forgot :p
They are kinda cool cause they're unique...I think it IS still possible to make FaceMaker faces look nice, just most people don't really put in the effort to do so. As others have said, if your game overall has a similar theme, coloring wise, they will look pretty good. However, if NOT (if the game overall were say, straight RTP, or something very subdued/depressed), they might stand out as being kinda garish...
i made SURE that they match their characersets. i hate mismatching graphics, im so anal about it. >_< i even went so far as to take the colors directly from each other. and they wont ever be shown together, so the lack of combination wont make your eyes bleed.

@ Luminier: true, but i dont have the ability to create original ones, im not skilled enough, and i hate relying on others for graphics, especially since im uber anal about graphics...

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