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[faceset] This old man he aint what he used to be...

hehe funny old man^^

I think he looks pretty well fleshed out. The only one I'm not 100% sure of is the crying one. Something about his splash of tears looks off.

That scared the living shit out of me!

Uhhh ... Give me a moment to compose myself ....

Why is he naked ;_;

Also his liver spots on his head just look like dots, and the streams of tears running down his face shouldn't really end at the chin. Otherwise, yep! That's one happy ass old man, alright! o_o
Yah I was having a really hard time with that teary one...

I'll fix up his liver spots! Thanks for that.

So with the tears should they continue going the way there heading or should they finished down his neck some how?

And he's naked... cause... he's senile and forgot his clothes. (he's just a WIP His clothes will go on when i'm happy with his face :D)
I like the first one. As Venetia said, make the liver spots less plentiful and larger. His nose ends in what looks like an unnecessarily pointy point.

The anime effects on the other two really ruin those, though.
Whoa...the crying one is crazy...
The sparkle in the eye thing might not go with a lot of game styles.
Is yours anime-ish?

The basic one looks nice though. I hope i don't look like that when i'm old.
You can make his tears more natural by making it wider (i mean is when you pee, do you realize how water flows?)

haha XD

all in all, tis a great job! i always lurv a manga style peice~
The first one looks good.
The second like everyone else said looks unnatural.
The last one looks pretty creepy.
Overall nice job though!

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