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eZine Rolling Issue? (concept)

I've been thinking of how to revive the eZine but keep it going as a moving engine rather than a thing that kerplunks along every now and then with massive gaps.

I thought that one possible idea, if I can work out a way to do it right, is a rolling issue.

Basically instead of whole issues, individual articles come out, sometimes a bit more, sometimes large chunks and sometimes just little pieces.

New pages would come out as and when people submit them.

Reckon it could work?

Every now and then they'd be compiled together as issues.
So basically like... use this forum to post interesting articles, and at the end of whatever time throw in some brief tutorials, new screenshots from the screenshot thread and honorable mentions and roll it up like a "Best of HBG" zine?
The difficulty of managing the eZine comes largely from the lack of things going on, Jason, myself, Sated, Strawbs, you and Sanchez are some of the only active developers left, and to fill a whole zine would mean that due to my rate of producing content, I'd unwittingly be taking a large chunk of it since I don't think anyone else feels it as often as I do that they shouldn't double-post but would love to because they've done work.

This is pretty surprising considering I haven't opened RPG Maker for anything proper in over two months and have done nothing in game maker.

So what I'm saying is that this might be a better way of approaching it, even if it means I'll still be behind 60% or more of the content, it may be more difficult to notice over the smaller size.

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