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eZine Issue 1: Remake

I have been dithering over this for some time, since doing the 2007 retrospective issue actually. That is, whether remastering the original issues of RMXP.net the eZine would be worthwhile or even liked. I bit the bullet, and will take the flack.

I've edited Issue 1 of Lene's original issues, this one from 2005. I have cleaned up the graphics, got rid of any antialiasing, swapped images for higher resolutions, fixed kerning and replaced the title and headers with HBGames rather than RMXP. I have removed any dead links, and added links back to arpgmaker.com.

I have extended the article about the release of RPG Maker XP by drafting in the fluff from the XP release website from way back in '05.

Finally I have added a "demo disc" (or rather, linked to where to download a time-relevant game), for Phylomortis, the biggest RPG Maker XP game of the time.


I have kept the original issue online, which can be downloaded from here:



Chaos Goddess

Now when will we get the critically acclaimed and highly anticipated Issue 2: remake of the revenge: remastered || revengeance?

You can steal that joke if you like, I kinda stole it from someone else who also stole it and we have no idea who stole or said it first!
Some early work on Issue 2.


This was the original title, which felt a bit awkward and pasty, also very cluttered.


This was the contents page:


Every page in the magazine has this black-on-dark-purple look.

This is my redesign:


Majority of the mag will be off-black-on-white though.



Near Fantastica's Magic should scrub up nicely but there are a lot of errors in it and a lot of unnecessary prose.

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