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extract a line of code from Scripts.rxdata

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well.. I know the number of the script and the line number which should be enough to get the code of this line..

scripts = load_data('Data/Scripts.rxdata')
scripts[[I]script number[/I]][2]
gives me the code.. but somehow packed or encrypted..

now my question.. is there a possibility to convert this code to get a single line of code?

some might ask now "why the hell doesnt he simply copy the line out of the script editor?"
this is not possible because I dont know which line I need.. Im working on some kind of a debugging tool which is supposed to show the buggy line..

I hope someone can help me.. thanks.. ^^
  scripts = []
   File.open("Scripts.rxdata", "rb") do |f|
     scripts << Marshal.load(f)

#now echo the folowing code :

   where X = script id (same order as in editor)
   where Y = 0, 1 or 2.

   0 represents the section number
   1 represents the section name (script name)
   2 is the compressed code 

#then there is offcourse the RGSS_SCRIPTS constant global

   $RGSS_SCRIPTS.each { |s| }

#and of course write others script to file

   scripts = load_data("C:/Project0/Data/Scripts.rxdata")
   scripts.each { |s|    File.open("#{s[1]}.txt") {|f| f.puts(Zlib::Inflate.inflate(s[2]))}}

$RGSS_SCRIPTS.each { |s| p Zlib::Inflate.inflate(s[2])} ex.
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