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Extra Skill Menus

Could anyone make me a more complex skill menu?
It would basically have a set of 4 seperate screens.

1. Skills that do not depend on alignment.

2. Skills that require a positive alignment.

3. Skills that require a negative alignment.

4. Skills that require a neutral alignment.

Hopefully this can give an idea of what I mean:
http://img402.imageshack.us/img402/5932 ... enucd6.jpg[/IMG]

Also it would require a way of navigating the different categories.
I thought that the 'category header' would be selectable and if Left and Right are press it switches between them.
Otherwise another idea is for S and A to be used.

Thanks guys.
DerVVulfman's script is really good but I have 1 problem with it.
I have renamed the skill category names in the database (ie $Recovery to $No Alignment) but now even though I have skills set with that 'element' they dont show up in the category listings. I am 100% sure that the character has learnt the skill.

Could it be a conflict with the SephirothSpawns Requirements Script that I am using?
Are you sure you copied the config file too? You should check out the demo if you haven't already. That script is very complicated, and the demo explains everything. Or if you can't get his scipt to work, you could always try KGC's skill grouping. It's much simpler. I can't post it here, but I can give you the link.

KGC Site
yeah I copied all the extra data files, all the icons and graphics and there wasnt anything else to copy as far as I know.

EDIT: I checked that link and found the item and skill grouping scripts but its all in japanese and I have no idea how to edit it etc, I would prefer to use DerVVulfmans edit so if anyone could help with the problem it would be greatly appreciated!

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