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[Experimenting Game] RGB ~Paint The Bullets~

The exams is coming up and I probably have no time to work on this anymore, so here it is! It only consists of one stage though :( With 4 different difficulties to choose. Any comments are appreciated :)

Gameplay video




Mouse movement    -    Move you character
Left Click                -    Draw
Right Click              -    Change Color
Spacebar/Shift        -      Hold to enter MIX mode/ Release to enter PAINT mode.

How To Paint

- Once any of your color meter is filled (Either it says 100% or you can see from the meters on the right hud), you can draw with that color. Right click to switch to that color, you can tell which color you're using from the color of your [Home Circle]

- Press left button and hold to start drawing. You have to move your mouse cursor out of [Home Circle], come back to [Home Circle], and release left button while the cursor is inside [Home Circle]. While you're drawing, the color meter will keep on decreasing. And if you can't make it back to [Home Circle] before the meter runs out, your drawing will fail.

- Once you move your mouse around during drawing, you'll see the marker. If there are too few markers when your drawing cover a pretty large area, your drawing will fail.

- A successful drawing will result in any bullets inside the drawing area will be painted. Painted bullets act differently depending on the color effect, which are as the following :
      Red    :  Reflect the bullets back
      Green :  Turn bullets into Power Star
      Blue  :  Slow down the bullets

- If you're in MIX mode, you can paint the painted bullets with different color to mix color and create new color effect. This will cost 50 powers x Effect Level

      Effect Level  1 (Cost : 50)
      Red + Green -> Yellow  : Napalm Ball
      Green + Blue -> Aqua  : Hyper Power Star
      Red + Blue    -> Purple  : Flying Turret

      Effect Level 2 (Cost : 100)
      Red + Green + Blue ->  White  :  Alpha Blaster

- If you're in PAINT mode, painting the painted bullets will replace the current effect with a new one.

-  Power points affect the following stats
          - Your painted bullets deal more damage.
          - Your color meter decrease slower when drawing.

-  Finish the boss with Effect Level 1 and above will turn all the bullets on the screen into Bonus Star.
-  If you paint successfully, you'll become invincible for about 5 frames

The game is for prototype session over shmup-dev.com.  Please tell me what you think. Any comments are appreciate since I really want to improve this :)  Personally I wanna try using this system with arena shmup (think Geo War) but I want to see how it works with danmaku vertical shmup first.
Concept is brilliant, gameplay is awesome but it was really hard even on the easiest setting! I just cant draw fast enough XD
I should use my tablet with this!

Thank you for viewing

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