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Welcome to HBGames, a leading amateur game development forum and Discord server. All are welcome, and amongst our ranks you will find experts in their field from all aspects of video game design and development.


This is a story I wrote for school. I took quite a few elements from Ghost in the Shell (Such as Cyberbrains...its an interesting concept and shouldn't be limited to one series), one of my favorite animes. Don't expect this to be the next great work of the 21st century or anything. But, it got me an A. So, here it is:

ATTN: If you don't want to read it, there is no point in posting tl;dr


A man walked down the dark street, hiding a gun in his pocket and muttering something to himself each time he met eyes with another person. “Forty-threeâ€

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HBGames is a leading amateur video game development forum and Discord server open to all ability levels. Feel free to have a nosey around!


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