im gonna tell you how to make a event where you click one button to equip and one to unequip your weapon
(it works on armors too ofcourse)(Pictures in the spoilers)
Needed things in this tutorial:
2 common events
6 Conditional branch (choose so "else" also is there, it wont work if its not)
2 call common event
2 change equipment
2 play se (not needed but, more fun :D)
2 text
2 wait
(thats all you need)
now pictures and explainations
here we say when we press L (on keyboard its Q) we check if named actor is in party and if actor is then if weapon is in
inventory then we equip the weapon then we "play se" (not needed)(i have put in a wait there just in case so it dont slow down the game too much)after that we tell the event to change weapon to(in this case) bronze sword after a text that says that we equipt the weapon( \c[1] \c[0] the first one tell what color next letter is going to be and the the second one says that after that one is a other color in this case ( \c[1] "blue")( \c[0] "white")standard color).
we can copy the first common event after that we only need to modify it a bit.
first we need to change the first conditional branch so instead of "L" choose "R" (R = W on keyboard)
and second thoose text and play se and so on copy these and set these under the first "else" (look on picture if you dont understand).
now were done with that.
now were going to call these common events so we can (in game) equip/unequip by clicking a button
close the database and after that on map screen(on event layer)we just double click and there we have the
event commander the only thing we do is to choose "call common event" and then wich common event we want to get
and one is EXTREMLY important is to set "trigger" on "parallel process" becouse if you dont it wont work and now were done!!
(check these 2 last pictures just in case so you havent missed something or misunderstood anything if it is something
just tell me)
im gonna tell you how to make a event where you click one button to equip and one to unequip your weapon
(it works on armors too ofcourse)(Pictures in the spoilers)
Needed things in this tutorial:
2 common events
6 Conditional branch (choose so "else" also is there, it wont work if its not)
2 call common event
2 change equipment
2 play se (not needed but, more fun :D)
2 text
2 wait
(thats all you need)
now pictures and explainations

inventory then we equip the weapon then we "play se" (not needed)(i have put in a wait there just in case so it dont slow down the game too much)after that we tell the event to change weapon to(in this case) bronze sword after a text that says that we equipt the weapon( \c[1] \c[0] the first one tell what color next letter is going to be and the the second one says that after that one is a other color in this case ( \c[1] "blue")( \c[0] "white")standard color).

we can copy the first common event after that we only need to modify it a bit.
first we need to change the first conditional branch so instead of "L" choose "R" (R = W on keyboard)
and second thoose text and play se and so on copy these and set these under the first "else" (look on picture if you dont understand).
now were done with that.
now were going to call these common events so we can (in game) equip/unequip by clicking a button
close the database and after that on map screen(on event layer)we just double click and there we have the
event commander the only thing we do is to choose "call common event" and then wich common event we want to get
and one is EXTREMLY important is to set "trigger" on "parallel process" becouse if you dont it wont work and now were done!!
(check these 2 last pictures just in case so you havent missed something or misunderstood anything if it is something
just tell me)