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Episode Guide/Adventure Log

As the game I am making is based on a TV series, it would be quite useful to have an episode guide to chart your adventures. I suppose this script could also be used as an adventure log.

What I'm looking for really, is a database that can be accessed from the main menu. When clicked on, it will show 80 blank (numbered) spaces. When a certain switch is on, (lets say 1) episode one will become available and be given a name. When clicked on, it could give a summary (large title at the top) with a picture in the bottom right hand corner.

I will also require being told how to add this to your menu,as I'm not very good at things like that!

Please help me!

Thanks in advance

I was thinking maybe something like the Beastiry view script, where its in your main menu, and there are blank spaces like this that need to be filled. It could them display somehting like the skill view script does, but only after a certain switch is on!

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