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Epic Feudal Japan/China pixel remake (for Hk's)

This is really cool SK. Reminded me of the onimusha demon place. It could quite easily fit in a game with the same setting. But yes, I would it if you are going to use some really good colours for the roof(purple springs to mind) to make it more interesting as I find traditional building are rather plain and boring.
Please do release them.... I would like to use them in my game... It may just be (with a tiny edit) the perfect tileset for my Mage conspiracy to have its evil hideout.

I'll PM them to you when its done . If I forget, just pm me when I finish =)

This is really cool SK. Reminded me of the onimusha demon place. It could quite easily fit in a game with the same setting. But yes, I would it if you are going to use some really good colours for the roof(purple springs to mind) to make it more interesting as I find traditional building are rather plain and boring.

Thats exactly what I was thinking of! Onimusha =) I liked that it was set in feudal Japan, but it had almost a "superhero of the feudal period" look to it lol. I dunno . I'm a sucker for things like that I guess. Realism is really boring to me =).

If you do decide to release these publicly, I can so see these being used for Otogakure (The Hidden Sound Village) or Kumo (The Hidden Cloud Village) in my Naruto fangame...

As for people "pushing for mediocrity", I don't think it's bad or not understandable. Most artists want to make tilesets to see them used a lot, and therefore, people give comments to try to make the sets more flexible and easily used. Not often that you meet someone who's just a real, honest-to-goodness artist, who really wants to make something to their own liking and damned if anyone else wants to use it or not!

Yeah ^_^; sorry about all that. My intention was not to sound overbearing lol. it's just something I'm passionate about I guess. But On the otherhand I have two other tilesets in the works that should fit the "generic" bill. They're half kaizer sized and steam punk based. I have to say theyre some of my best work so far. I'm waiting till I get enough done to show a preview though. Only Tana has seen part of it..Erk and Ccoa too I think. Since they have access to the "Forbidden forums" OOOOoooOOoooh XD.

as for the tileset, I'll PM it to you when I'm done =) Its the least i could do for a fello Half-kaizer Aficionado

Actually SK the author is Chinese, so its probably completely Chinese oriented. However people tend to associate the feudal architecture more with Japan since they kept it alive up through the 19th century.

But yeah, the specifics arent terribly relevent since typically villages like this are in fantasy games just for the sake of looking unique from other villages. You know "europe town, russia town, Middleeastern town, Oriental town, etc." They're gold standards, and being primarily featured in fantasy games or at least ones with fantasy elements they have NO obligation to be completely accurate.

Exactly. To be honest I'm glad it's chinese. Now I get to do some awesome chinese dragon statues =D

Pretty good so far SK
The onlything so far I don't like are the faces on top of the roofs... they seem a bit too straight on...

I can give you a bit more thoughts about the set later too... Been awhile since I've looked at the one Ryan posted.

Yeah I agree Tana. I'll see what I can do to fix that =)

@ Everyone else: Thanks for the comments and such. I'm putting this on slight hold to work on my steampunk set . But I'll be back on it later this week. Night!
This reminds me how horrid it'll be making proper outdoor tilesets myself... But very good job so far nonetheless. I believe most points have been mentioned, and I can't discover other "misakes" this quickly, this early ^^;;

Also, what happened to your other HK tileset?
*lurking mostly lately*

Fantastic line art. Like how you worked in a grid to get the perspective right before doing the line art itself.

And REALLY looking forward to the pixel art texture tutorial - there's very little on the net for decent texture tutorials unless one intends to use photoshop, and that's a completely different look then.

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