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Environmental concept art

Thanks, guys! I seem to be getting better at these. Painted the water better this time, too, although I still need to work on it.


That's one of those lightning birds in the ball, btw. They put it there for wind power/lighting in the underground seas, but I think they overestimated their ability to keep the lightning in the ball!
There is alot of issues with this image, its very rough and busy, hard to tell exactly what I'm looking at. Like what is that thing on the right anyway, a ship? A wire coil with electric prongs? Also, I think the electricity would cast slightly more illumination to the rock wall on the left, at least on the highlights. It wouldn't hurt for it to throw sparks shooting from the center of the action, it looks like the bolt is striking that spot. Lastly, there is a shadow being cast off the left of the electric ball, I'm not sure why it is there o.o

The water looks amazing by the way, the rest of the image has potential but could definitely use a touch up.
It's a ship. I realize the image is dark, but is it possible your monitor is dark? I haven't heard any other complaints about it being unclear, and it's clearly visible to me. Yeah, I agree I should have pushed the environmental lighting harder. I noticed that the rocks should have been lighter after I finished it, but since these are speedpaintings and not real paintings, I've decided not to revisit them endlessly after calling them done because I want to move onto the next ones. The shadow is cast by the prow sticking out thing (I believe that is the technical term), but yeah, it shouldn't be that dark. I guess I put it there for...atmosphere?

I dunno, I guess I could mess with it more, but idgaf really. I know it's too dark outside of the ship, but I kind of like it compositionally.
Thanks! Yeah, looking back on it, it's definitely not nearly the strongest piece I've done in this series, but whatever, it's all a learning experience. I'll post some more soon. I keep drawing part of this one place and then deleting it, but maybe I'll finish it tomorrow.


Awesome Bro

Peri, you are the greatest. You are my hero. I love your art! Curious about why the ship is lightning'd, though.
Okay, the thing is that the surface of the world is mostly a completely inhospitable wasteland (at least in this part of the setting; we split it into two time periods). There's an extensive network of underground seas, though, so all shipping, trading, travel, fishing, etc. occur on these. But there's no wind, obviously, and it's quite dark in some areas. So someone at some point came up with the idea of capturing a storm spirit and using for lighting and wind power, and while this can work if you catch a baby one, the adult ones are insanely powerful. The people on that ship tried to catch an adult one, but their binding enchantments weren't strong enough to completely contain it, so it fried their boat. But it still can't get free from the ball, so it pushes the wreckage of the hull around the Deep Seas, trying to find a way to the surface. So if you're sailing in the unexplored parts of the Deep Seas and the wind starts to pick up, RUN! :wink:

There are elaborate stories behind all of these. I can write them up if people care.
I keep refreshing this topic feeling like something else amazing is about to appear o.o

If you ever need ideas, I've got a ton of crazy ones that I think you could have some fun with!
I'd be happy to hear ideas, as long as they fit into the stuff I'm doing.

The setting is split into two time periods, mainly because we couldn't decide on a single direction, but it's cool because this adds more depth anyway.

The Past:
A fantasy world focusing on trade, politics, and warfare. It's mostly central Asian-flavored. The west is dominated by a confederation of trader city-states, and the east is ruled by the Qhoran Empire, a sprawling empire of necromancers. Magic is based on the premise that everything has a spiritual reflection, as per animism, and you can bind spirits to accomplish various tasks.

The Future:
A long time ago, there was a great war in which the powers of that time bound potent spirits into weapons and destroyed the earth. No one remembers specifics, like who the combatants were or what the war was about, but it doesn't really matter anymore. The surface of the world is now a wasteland. Humanity clings to life in a handful of cities built in deep fissures caused by the Rending, depending on the Deep Seas far underground for water, food, and transportation. The only great city left on the surface is the ancient city of Kor, which was left mysteriously untouched by the Rending. Some say that the Rending began there.

I'm focusing my worldbuilding efforts on the future time period and in Qhora/Kor, which is an ancient city that goes back about ten thousand years. So expect to see concept art that's lots of deserts and caves.

Before the Rending, the Sea of Storms was an ocean; now it's a massive desert the size of a continent, located far to the south of Kor. Constant massive tornadoes travel around the desert, sometimes lasting for decades. The constant vicious winds have worn everything in the desert down to dust. If you can survive the constant lightning, which is unlikely because you'll be the tallest thing around if you venture in, you'll soon choke on the thick, swirling dust.

Stormhawks are the only things known to live in the Sea of Storms, although as spirits, they're not technically alive. They're storm spirits so powerful they physically manifest, taking the form of huge birds made out of lightning. They ride the winds of storms, calling out to each other with voices of thunder. It's said that the bolts of lightning that travel between two points in the stormclouds are their mating dance.

As storm spirits, stormhawks can generate powerful bolts of lightning and gale force winds. Baby stormhawks are occasionally captured and mounted on ships (particularly smuggler ships) in the Deep Seas to provide lighting and wind power, although capturing even an infant is an incredibly dangerous undertaking. Capturing adults is unheard of because there are no human enchantments strong enough to contain their power.


(I pasted some stuff written by my friend for his area, so this is why this is long!)
Kagarayan, translated as The Palm of the Killer, otherwise known as the Deathwoods, Kethica, Varamark, and Wodhamm in other languages, is a land of extremely dense woodlands and untapped wilds, filled with numerous dangers and plentiful resources for those daring enough to brave the perils of the forests.

Kagarayan is set deep within a sprawling, terrible desert; to the north, Shakaran, the Great Wastes, and to the south, Favayram, the Remnants. It is nestled against Halsolanya, the Outstretched Fingers, The Shielding Range, leaving it a deadly oasis for those foolish or desperate enough to reach it. It is a relic of time long since past, the home of trees that reach like spires towards the sky and perplexing rapids that would easily dash the life out of those caught within them. Due to its extremely isolated nature, it is almost entirely undeveloped, and virgin timber is in ample supply. Most interesting is that Kagarayan is heavily sloped; it is possible to stand at the edge where the desert and the grasslands meet and, on a clear day, see all the way across to the other side, situated high within the mountains, an often vertigo-inducing view. The most noticeable aspect of Kagarayan are the trees, as varied and rich as the beasts that live below, on, within, and above them. It is quite common to have them reaching hundreds of feet high and many centuries old, giving rise to an oppressive canopy that leaves the jungle floor pitch black at places, even when the sun is blazing brightly above. Kagarayan could be considered tiered, with animals primarily residing either within the many natural caverns below, on the jungle floor, along the trunks of the trees or within the towering canopy above.

The Uzva are the only (near-)human inhabitants of Kagarayan. Driven from their homeland due to war and strife, the history of which is even more vague than the Uzva themselves, the Uzva attempted to settle within the jungles nestled deep within the horrifying deserts. Almost immediately, the Uzva found themselves set upon by horrifying monstrosities and treacherous natural formations. Many were lost on the trek to what was once considered a paradise, and now the Uzva were soon to become extinct. In their time of great need, the Uzva petitioned the powerful spirits that roamed strong and free within Kagarayan for their blessings. Through great ritual and sacrifice, the Uzva formed nigh-unshakeable pacts with the spirits of predators and terrible beasts that dwelt within the forests. They found themselves as the predators of the land, and were able to make their own place. Since that time, the Uzva have lived within the Kagarayan, perhaps not the undisputed lords of the domain, but more than able to stake their claim. Since this time, the Uzva have fractured into a number of tribes, but will always band together in times of need.


The Sanguine Sea lies about a mile beneath Kor. It's among the largest of the Deep Seas, and it gets its name from its warmth and distinctive redness. Some of the red clay surrounding Kor was thrust underground during the Rending and has leeched into the water, coloring it. Despite this, it's still quite potable, albeit flat and metallic-tasting.

The Sanguine is housed inside a massive cavern whose ceiling is at least two hundred feet over the surface of the water in some places. Huge, infrequent crystal pillars thrust out of the water and emit soft blue light that fades into the murky depths far below the water's surface. No one knows how long the pillars have been there, but the light clearly isn't natural; faded runes in an ancient language few even recognize anymore are etched into the surface, speaking of ancient spirit bindings of a strength unheard of in modern enchantments. Fishing boats are usually found on the sea, gliding through the still, silent waters. It's an eerie but peaceful scene.

In addition to being Kor's main source of food, the Sanguine is the nexus of five or six major sea routes. The Kor Harbor is the largest port in all of the Deep Seas. The Undercity touches the Sanguine briefly on one side, and this area has been restored and inhabited, broad stone docks extending from a wide tunnel opening with the ruined buildings all along the docks converted into taverns, warehouses, and shipyards. This area is brightly lit by glowstones mounted on pillars and is busy at all hours with merchants loading and unloading goods, fishermen going out to sea or unloading their catches, prospector captains seeking crews, and vendors hawking their wares. The tunnel that leads to the surface is perhaps the only safe, secure, well maintained part of the Undercity.


Before history was written, there was Kor. It's been called many thing: Kor, Qhora, Arkhor, although little is remembered of those times beyond the names. Its origins were lost millennia ago, but it's stood for at least ten thousand years, an immovable edifice of black stone. Empires rose and fell around it, magnificent cities were built and razed and forgotten, and Kor outlived them all. When men bound the greatest spirits and broke the world, Kor stood untouched as the seas plunged into the earth and mountains rose from flat plains. Today Kor stands in the center of a vast desert of cracked red earth under a blistering sun. Much of it lies in ruins, and more dead than living walk the streets, as Korins believe that selfless labor after death is the path to salvation. But Kor's nobles still wear the finest silks and hold glittering masquerades in their black stone palaces, and the Deathless Legions still inspire nightmares in Kor's enemies. Internal politics are vicious, the Undercity is a haven of criminals and much worse things, and most are too concerned with internal politics or the intricate rituals of religion to pay attention to the events of the world at large. But why should they be concerned? Kor is eternal, and it remains proud and untouchable in its crumbling ruin. Even though it's rotting from within, it remains the greatest city the world has ever known.


Anroth is the greatest of the rift cities and the first major settlement built after the Rending, founded by a group of stone mages from different sides of the war who banded together after the breaking of the world. It spans both sides of a steep, narrow canyon whose walls protect it from the harsh desert heat and wind. The canyon is nearly a mile tall, and its bottom breaks into one of the largest Deep Sea caverns. Most of the city is inside; vast vaulted corridors and chambers lie within Anroth's great stone blocks and spread into the surrounding cliff, individual dwellings and stores branching off from the large common areas. Small streams and waterfalls crisscross the interior of the city, beginning in springs drawn up from the Deep Seas by magic long ago, and eventually merge into huge waterfalls that descend nearly a mile before hitting the water below.

Today Anroth is the primary trading hub of the Eastern Wastes and the second largest port on the Deep Seas. Its culture is less insular and static than Kor's, but people outside of the merchant's quarter tend to be unfriendly towards outsiders.
where are the people!

(also nice, I think you could do some more shadows on that one, more contrast, but it works already)
(and the transport carts are ending where?)
Thanks! Yeah, good point about the contrast; I'll make the lighting more dramatic in future pieces. I did add in some quick people, but they looked bad, so I just left them out. I didn't wanna spend a lot of time on it. I didn't draw the ends of the cables very well, but they should have little docks I guess.

Started this for practice and liked it enough to continue. It doesn't really have a story behind it. It was kind of boring with just the sea and sky and ice, so I asked my buddies what I should add to make it less boring, and they were like SEA MONSTER, so now there's a sea monster!

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