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Environmental concept art

I was posting these in my thread, but then I decided to just make a new thread instead.

My friends and I are working on a collaborative worldbuilding project for tabletop games, and I'm churning out some speedpaintings for the locations. Figured I should post them!


This was maybe 1.5-2 hours.


I think this was 2-3.

I need to figure out how to paint cities from a distance better, cuz both the city in the top one and the harbor on the bottom go on for way more than that.
*Picks jaw off of floor*

Looks boss, you're an amazing artist! You should put one of those discreetly placed signatures on these, they look pro! Thanks for blowing my mind today btw :D

I suppose you could smooth out the light casting on the water. Again, hard to critique, it looks great already :D

What is your process? Like do you pencil it all out on tablet, then go in and fill and brush? Or... explain, please? lol
I start by laying down a gradient for the background, then blocking in shapes, then going in and refining. I work a lot with brushes on 50-90% opacity and like to set opacity to pressure as well, then I sample from blended colors I create and paint with those. I can make a WIP gif of the next one I make if you're interested. Also, thanks for the compliments! :blush: :biggrin:

Edit: This isn't exactly how I made this piece, but I tend to start painting on new layers pretty regularly, so it's pretty close. This probably explains the process better:

I should really clean up that last layer of glowy shit. It looks weird around the boats. Oh well, later!

As long as I'm at it, here's the other one too. It's not quite as good since I seem to have merged some of the layers, though.

You could probably use some kind of smudge/scrape tool to smooth it out.

gifs speak a thousand words thanks for sharing your process! Oh wow, both of them. You're like a black magic wizard of the e-paint, I love 'em lol
Well, I changed it a little bit. It was only that one spot that was bothering me. It bothers me less now.

Working on another one now! Will post when done.
Okay well, I finished another one, but it ended up having no relation to the thing I set out to draw in the first place, so I dunno what to use it for concept art-wise now.


I'm thinking of adding something else in for scale, but I can't think of what. The trees and the boar are supposed to be huge, but everything else should be normal-sized.


Awesome Bro

It is gorgeous! It is gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous! I love it! It is gore-geous! :heart: :heart: :heart:
whoa these look fantastic!
My only comments really are the glowy shit crystals are overwhelmingly bright, while the boar seems to blend in too well with the trees (though that's not necessarily a bad thing, just took me a few seconds to notice it).

If you churn out enough of these, Peri, you could make a ton of stylish panoramas or even battlebacks and make a game out of that!

These are quite pretty!

They look like they're at the half-way point though ... No finishing touches. Like you have all the groundwork shapes and such in place, but haven't started refining any details or smoothing any strokes.

But for roughs of environmental concept art, I'll say good f'in job!!

They are what I loathe most in doing art, and avoid like the plague--do you enjoy working on them?
Yeah, these are really speedy concept arts only. Since it's for a worldbuilding project, I don't want to invest too much time into stuff right off the bat when details may change. And quantity is better than quality because I want to draw as many areas as I can. I may do nicer ones later down the line.

And yeah, I actually really prefer drawing environments to people, usually. I'm a lot better at them! I've got some cities to draw that I've been procrastinating on because those are effort and have to be in perspective, though. But I enjoy natural landscapes.

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