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Enemy Window Script

I'm making a custom battle system and need some help.

I would like a window that appears at the top of the screen and is called by a switch. It would show a health bar. Two variables would control how full it is. (one variable for max full, the other for current full.)

I hope someone could do this for me. Beelow is what I already have. The window would be like the one on the left, but for the enemy.

Thanks, no problems now. The only thing I had to change was:

"def refresh
self.contents.draw_text(0, 0,100,32,"Enemy HP")
#min = $game_variables[ENEMYHP_VARIABLE_ID] == 0 ? 1 : $game_variables[ENEMYHP_VARIABLE_ID]
#max = $game_variables[ENEMYMAXHP_VARIABLE_ID] == 0 ? 1 : $game_variables[ENEMYMAXHP_VARIABLE_ID]
#draw_slant_bar(100, 12, min, max, 200, 9, Color.new(150, 0, 0, 255), Color.new(255, 0, 0, 255))

The #'s got me at first. I'm gonna need to have a paragraph or two thanking you in the credits.:D

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