Look in Game_Party, under this method:
# * Random Selection of Target Actor
# hp0 : limited to actors with 0 HP
def random_target_actor(hp0 = false)
# Initialize roulette
roulette = []
# Loop
for actor in @actors
# If it fits the conditions
if (not hp0 and actor.exist?) or (hp0 and actor.hp0?)
# Get actor class [position]
position = $data_classes[actor.class_id].position
# Front guard: n = 4; Mid guard: n = 3; Rear guard: n = 2
n = 4 - position
# Add actor to roulette n times
n.times do
# If roulette size is 0
if roulette.size == 0
return nil
# Spin the roulette, choose an actor
return roulette[rand(roulette.size)]
The last line is what picks which actor based off their position.
Basically, what you will want to do is just change that block so instead of basing everything off their battle positions, it choses based off position in the party.
Let me know if you just want the anser given to you.