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Enemies that level up

I can't remember who it was that made this script, but if anyone has it, could they repost the script which makes emenies stronger when you gain levels.

E.g. if you are at level 1 then a ghost has 570 hp
if you are at level 100 then a ghost has 5700 hp

Thanks in advance

I did that a long while ago, but I made something a little better that acting randomizes the stats, and lets you control them a little better.

It something like : base_value + level * bonus_value where you can define all the enemies base_value for each stat and that is added to the bonus value times the level.

I will try to finish up this and post it soon.
SephirothSpawn":3iw4jrew said:
There are now 2 different versions of this. Below each type, is a description of each of the formulas to determine their stats.

Type 1
What this does is Finds the average level of your party members, adds one, divides that by 100 (Turns it into a percent, level 99 being 100%), and assigns enemies stats based off whatever you assigned them in the database.

Meaning, In the database, make your monsters more powerful. Whatever you assign their stats to be in the database, is what their stats will be when your party is at level 99.

Just Remember to Make your enemies powerful, or they will be pushovers.

Now Stats are randomly modified (+ or -) (0 to 15) %. Now every enemy you encounter, will be unique!

Just add this Somewhere above Main.
# Enemies That Level UP (Type 1)
# Created By SephirothSpawn (11.17.05)
# Last Updated: 11.25.05
# Updated: Can Make Enemies Bosses (They Do Not Level Up) 11.18.05
# Updated: Stats Now Randomized += 15 %

# Module RPG
module RPG
# Class Enemy
class Enemy
# * Public Instance Variables
# Base Statistics
attr_accessor :b_maxhp, :b_maxsp, :b_str, :b_dex, :b_agi, :b_int
attr_accessor :b_atk, :b_pdef, :b_mdef, :b_eva, :b_exp, :b_gold
# Boss Check
attr_accessor :boss
# * Set Bases
def set_bases
@b_maxhp, @b_maxsp = @maxhp, @maxsp
@b_str, @b_dex, @b_agi, @b_int = @str, @dex, @agi, @int
@b_atk, @b_pdef, @b_mdef, @b_eva = @atk, @pdef, @mdef, @eva
@b_exp, @b_gold = @exp, @gold
# Checks to See if there's a boss
if @name.include?("(BOSS)")
@boss = true
@boss = false
# * Update Level
def update_level
unless @boss
# Calulates Average Level of Party
average = 0
for actor in $game_party.actors
average += actor.level
average /= $game_party.actors.size
# Adds 1 (So when you're at level 99, 100% of the Stats are used)
average += 1
# Set to a percent
average /= 100.000
# Update Stats
@maxhp = (@b_maxhp * average).to_i
percent = (@maxhp * (( rand(15) + 1 ) / 100.0)).to_i
@maxhp += rand(2) == 0 ? percent : -percent
@maxsp = (@b_maxsp * average).to_i
percent = (@maxsp * (( rand(15) + 1 ) / 100.0)).to_i
@maxsp += rand(2) == 0 ? percent : -percent
@str = (@b_str * average).to_i
percent = (@str * (( rand(15) + 1 ) / 100.0)).to_i
@str += rand(2) == 0 ? percent : -percent
@dex = (@b_dex * average).to_i
percent = (@dex * (( rand(15) + 1 ) / 100.0)).to_i
@dex += rand(2) == 0 ? percent : -percent
@agi = (@b_agi * average).to_i
percent = (@agi * (( rand(15) + 1 ) / 100.0)).to_i
@agi += rand(2) == 0 ? percent : -percent
@int = (@b_int * average).to_i
percent = (@int * (( rand(15) + 1 ) / 100.0)).to_i
@int += rand(2) == 0 ? percent : -percent
@atk = (@b_atk * average).to_i
percent = (@atk * (( rand(15) + 1 ) / 100.0)).to_i
@atk += rand(2) == 0 ? percent : -percent
@pdef = (@b_pdef * average).to_i
percent = (@pdef * (( rand(15) + 1 ) / 100.0)).to_i
@pdef += rand(2) == 0 ? percent : -percent
@mdef = (@b_mdef * average).to_i
percent = (@mdef * (( rand(15) + 1 ) / 100.0)).to_i
@mdef += rand(2) == 0 ? percent : -percent
@eva = (@b_eva * average).to_i
percent = (@eva * (( rand(15) + 1 ) / 100.0)).to_i
@eva += rand(2) == 0 ? percent : -percent
@exp = (@b_exp * average).to_i + @b_exp
percent = (@exp * (( rand(15) + 1 ) / 100.0)).to_i
@exp += rand(2) == 0 ? percent : -percent
@gold = (@b_gold * average).to_i + @b_gold
percent = (@gold * (( rand(15) + 1 ) / 100.0)).to_i
@gold += rand(2) == 0 ? percent : -percent

# Class Scene Title
class Scene_Title
# * Alias' New Game Method
alias new_game command_new_game
# * Adds Base Stats For Enemies
def command_new_game
for i in 1...$data_enemies.size

# Class Scene Battle
class Scene_Battle
# * Object Initialization
def initialize
for i in 1...$data_enemies.size

Type 2
This takes the stats from the database and multiples it by the average level of the members in your party. Then, randomly adds or subtract 0 to 15% of each stat the enemy carries.

Just put somewhere above Main
# Enemies That Level UP (Type 2)
# Created By SephirothSpawn (11.25.05)
# Last Updated: 11.25.05

# Module RPG
module RPG
# Class Enemy
class Enemy
# * Public Instance Variables
# Base Statistics
attr_accessor :b_maxhp, :b_maxsp, :b_str, :b_dex, :b_agi, :b_int
attr_accessor :b_atk, :b_pdef, :b_mdef, :b_eva, :b_exp, :b_gold
# Boss Check
attr_accessor :boss
# * Set Bases
def set_bases
@b_maxhp, @b_maxsp = @maxhp, @maxsp
@b_str, @b_dex, @b_agi, @b_int = @str, @dex, @agi, @int
@b_atk, @b_pdef, @b_mdef, @b_eva = @atk, @pdef, @mdef, @eva
@b_exp, @b_gold = @exp, @gold
# Checks to See if there's a boss
if @name.include?("(BOSS)")
@boss = true
@boss = false
# * Update Level
def update_level
unless @boss
# Calulates Average Level of Party
average = 0
for actor in $game_party.actors
average += actor.level
average /= $game_party.actors.size
# Update Stats
@maxhp = (@b_maxhp * average).to_i
percent = (@maxhp * (( rand(15) + 1 ) / 100.0)).to_i
@maxhp += rand(2) == 0 ? percent : -percent
@maxsp = (@b_maxsp * average).to_i
percent = (@maxsp * (( rand(15) + 1 ) / 100.0)).to_i
@maxsp += rand(2) == 0 ? percent : -percent
@str = (@b_str * average).to_i
percent = (@str * (( rand(15) + 1 ) / 100.0)).to_i
@str += rand(2) == 0 ? percent : -percent
@dex = (@b_dex * average).to_i
percent = (@dex * (( rand(15) + 1 ) / 100.0)).to_i
@dex += rand(2) == 0 ? percent : -percent
@agi = (@b_agi * average).to_i
percent = (@agi * (( rand(15) + 1 ) / 100.0)).to_i
@agi += rand(2) == 0 ? percent : -percent
@int = (@b_int * average).to_i
percent = (@int * (( rand(15) + 1 ) / 100.0)).to_i
@int += rand(2) == 0 ? percent : -percent
@atk = (@b_atk * average).to_i
percent = (@atk * (( rand(15) + 1 ) / 100.0)).to_i
@atk += rand(2) == 0 ? percent : -percent
@pdef = (@b_pdef * average).to_i
percent = (@pdef * (( rand(15) + 1 ) / 100.0)).to_i
@pdef += rand(2) == 0 ? percent : -percent
@mdef = (@b_mdef * average).to_i
percent = (@mdef * (( rand(15) + 1 ) / 100.0)).to_i
@mdef += rand(2) == 0 ? percent : -percent
@exp = (@b_exp * average).to_i
percent = (@exp * (( rand(15) + 1 ) / 100.0)).to_i
@exp += rand(2) == 0 ? percent : -percent
@gold = (@b_gold * average).to_i
percent = (@gold * (( rand(15) + 1 ) / 100.0)).to_i
@gold += rand(2) == 0 ? percent : -percent

# Class Scene Title
class Scene_Title
# * Alias' New Game Method
alias new_game command_new_game
# * Adds Base Stats For Enemies
def command_new_game
for i in 1...$data_enemies.size

# Class Scene Battle
class Scene_Battle
# * Object Initialization
def initialize
for i in 1...$data_enemies.size

Both Version include the Boss Feature:
By Adding (BOSS) into any enemies name in the database, there stats are not effected by these scripts.

All credit SephirothSpawn (obviously).
Enjoy :D

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