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Enemies Calling for Backup

If this script has already been made, or there is something simple that i do not know about, please point me in it's direction. If not, I was wondering if someone could make me a simple script where i can set it so that an enemy can call for backup, and basically add another enemy to the battle during battle. Also, I'm wanting to be able to set this as a conditional, if its possible to script this part using variables inside of a Call Script command, please add that to the script.

Please and thank you. It's not a super-hard script from what i can tell, its more of a syntax thing as far as i can see, i dont know what i should use as the syntax for adding enemy battlers and having the conditions for the enemy that is "summoning" the new monster.
To be honest you can actually do this with events. I don't know how simple you want to go....

But in the Troops section in the database... see the area where it shows the picture with the enemies in there? Well if you right click an enemy you can do one of two options "appear halfway" or "immortal". If you click on half way it'll look transparent.

From there you can now set your conditions under battle event. Click on the "..." and you can set it to whatever. Like let's say you want it to appear after once teh enemie's HP is at 50%.... Just click on the box next to enemy and plug in which one you want it for and how much HP.

Now that you've set that up, to make the enemy appear you make the event for it. So double click next to the "@>" and pick out the event called "enemy appearence" (3rd tab, right row) Now make sure you pick out the one you set on halfway or it won't work right.

Hope that helps ya.
Raven The Dark Angel;168953 said:
To be honest you can actually do this with events. I don't know how simple you want to go....

But in the Troops section in the database... see the area where it shows the picture with the enemies in there? Well if you right click an enemy you can do one of two options "appear halfway" or "immortal". If you click on half way it'll look transparent.

From there you can now set your conditions under battle event. Click on the "..." and you can set it to whatever. Like let's say you want it to appear after once teh enemie's HP is at 50%.... Just click on the box next to enemy and plug in which one you want it for and how much HP.

Now that you've set that up, to make the enemy appear you make the event for it. So double click next to the "@>" and pick out the event called "enemy appearence" (3rd tab, right row) Now make sure you pick out the one you set on halfway or it won't work right.

Hope that helps ya.

that works for me :) thanks!

if there is anything i have problems with, ill let you know ;)

i just tested this method and it works just fine :) thanks!

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