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Endless Fantasy Series Title Screen And Logo... C&C pls...

I was making a new project its called 'Endless Fantasy'
I need some Critiques on my work

okay heres my result
this is an in-game screenshot
http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z125 ... review.jpg[/img]
its animated so as you can see the emblem on the background of the logo is slanted
because it is waving in in-game,
and the while blurred lights are moving horizontally and looped
heres a transition animation when switching into commands
http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z125 ... quence.jpg[/img]

heres the original logos for so far three series xD:
http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z125 ... onLogo.png[/img]
Endless Fantasy I : Oblivion

http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z125 ... alLogo.png[/img]
Endless Fantasy II : Betrayal

http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z125 ... onLogo.png[/img]
Endless Fantasy III : Redemption

each series will consist of about 4-8 hours gameplay
and still all on development

going to make it THIS TIME xD
Good and Bad Critiques is Perfectly Welcome ^^

Anyway in this project
i won't trash it out anymore
since i already finish the story plot
i just need to color out the scratch
Its a Novel/Love/Fantasy Genre of RPG ^^

--hanzo kimura
I have been busy working on my own game lately, but for hanzo i'll take the time to post XD I love the colors and the design. If i were to change anything i'd change the background image to be a little lighter or get rid of the dark outline cause it seems to me it stands out a bit more then the image behind the text.



I agree with reducing the black outer glow of the emblem behind the text. I'm wondering how the image borders would look if one were to see this in windowed mode.

Great linework with the text and the graphics, the palette is nice too. The yellow on the Japanese text sticks out, if its a translation of the title I'd give it the same treatment as the main text.
Sorry, But the tribal sign, what ever it should be, looks too "un-tribalic" even though the category the "sign" belongs to is tribal. xD Idk how to explain it but =P I guess you know what i mean. and reduce the black outer glow.

But the title is just great :D (Y) Thumps up 5/5 for the title.

Btw is the game a mix of Elder Scrolls: Oblivion and Final Fantasy?
After (half) making a game based intirely on tibal tattoo design I'd like to pint out that your two tribal designs clash. Sorry but your large one has no overlaps and has the split concept to it. It also has a large amount of flow to it. Your smaller one overlaps on several occasions and doesn't have the little slits through it. It also has No flow to it what so ever. Aka you need it to merge into a focal point like thing. Another thing: remove the purple. It's too out there compared to the rest. Also a solid background I think would be a more appropriate concept. Remember that simplified titles can be just as attractive as fancy ones.


Also another thing about your logo is that it has a different outline effect which just makes it look miss-placed.

just some C&C. Still better than some I've seen and even made myself. :lol:
The background really clashes with the title. You'd be better off with out the background at all. Other then the background, the rest looks awesome. Capitalizing the last S in endless adds a nice touch. Remember to have a goal in mind when making a title screen. I should be able to tell the mood or setting of the game from viewing the title screen. Keep this in mind if you decide to fix the background.
Haha... Gammer, I wouldn't presume to impose your work on others... and if you haven't seen his other thread. He isn't just "really good" with graphics.

Back on subject.

The title text is amazing. I can't fault that at all. I personally would suggest dropping the Japanese text unless it's actually relivant to the game or you also intend to release it in Japanese because let's face it, people won't understand what it means unless you tell them :P.

Th background is too bright and dull... My suggestion is to first darken it... It would bring out the title text out... The background now looks either like a bunch of over blurred lights or a branch of a tree really blurred... Either way, it looks boringly abstract.

I would either darken it and replace it with some form of image or brighten it and do a final fanstasy and make it just plain white.

It's great though, don't get me wrong.



I never thought of doing one of the things I just saw in your pic...  Awesome!  Inspiration!

I am referring to the tribal brush on the side, and how it has the 3D effects on it with photoshop ^_^  I use both of those, just never have thought of putting them together like that!

Nice title also, I like it, although the Endless fantasy text itself, for me was a little... well, hard to read...  I could easily, it is just the fact that the tribal sign behind it is almost the same color, and has the same bevel and shadow effects on it... makes me have to think about reading it, and is a little confusing...

its all good though, I like the blurred background also.




The purple emblems feels a little distracting, maybe remove its outline? And I'm not sure about the main background, the symbol is okay, but the effect behind it feels a little cheap.


Some guy that did RMXP before

WOW>...I think Yore Genius..
I really envy of your textures on text and also nice font.
okay heres my result
this is an in-game screenshot
http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z125 ... review.jpg[/img]
its animated so as you can see the emblem on the background of the logo is slanted
because it is waving in in-game,
and the while blurred lights are moving horizontally and looped
heres a transition animation when switching into commands
http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z125 ... quence.jpg[/img]

heres the original logos for so far three series xD:
http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z125 ... onLogo.png[/img]
Endless Fantasy I : Oblivion

http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z125 ... alLogo.png[/img]
Endless Fantasy II : Betrayal

http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z125 ... onLogo.png[/img]
Endless Fantasy III : Redemption

each series will consist of about 4-8 hours gameplay
and still all on development

going to make it THIS TIME xD
Now it looks professional, awesome job man. The font for the choice options reminds me of ogre battle which is one of my favorites. I really like the cursor how it fades into the background.

Thank you for viewing

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