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Electronics - Grounding yourself

You know,

I've been doing a bit of hardware maintenance on my system of late (stepping up two GTX 480s to 580s and have a third 580 on delivery, my third 480 can't be stepped up, too old :sad:) and I thought that as a result, it might not be a bad idea to have a bit of a clue as to how to ground myself.

Typically the only thing I do is touch something I know is grounded, like the unpainted screw on a light switch. Is this sufficient in doing the job, or am I risking frying $5500 worth of equipment?


-Allen Copeland Jr.

PS: I ground myself after any movement of my feet, or brush against something known to cause static.


Awesome Bro

I've never grounded myself while working on computers and I've been doing it for around 5 years now, and nothing has ever gone wrong, even though we were taught to use the wrist straps while in college, I just don't see the point since so far I haven't had any problems lol, I think the whole "if you don't ground yourself you'll damage the components" is just a fairytale, lol...
When I was building a PC from scratch I got a plug, unwired everything but the earth, wrapped the loose wire around my wrist and plugged it into the wall. Probably suicide but oh well.

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