if youre going for middle aged then you were on the right track to deepen her nasal>cheek lines, but they're just a little too hard.
with men, you can pile on lines like nobody's business and it just adds detail.
with women, every faint tiny line or shade of darkness you add, you're piling on 10 years.
its the wonderful double-standard of perception D:
and the egyptian vulture you got there in the ref, see here's why it looks off. it's a different angle (the camera is peering up at the bird, when your depiction is head-on, to a little higher than the subject). and the bird is on a stable branch--not something fleshy, moving, and hard-to-grip like the shoulder. and the bird's talons are a little larger than theyre seen there because like i said you're seeing them at an odd angle (they're partially obscured and shortened due to POV).
anyway youre an amazing pixelator so dont worry i have nothing but faith :D