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EDITED!!! Character display !!!DETIDE

wwhat I am looking for!
Basically what I want is a system that will display the characters "battler" in a sepertae window with the tilesets battle back in hte BG when you go to view their status and equipment. BUT! It also needs to display the armor, Helmet, Acsescor, shield and Weapom that the charater is wearing at the time. Also if it could be combined with a visual script so that battler and sprite match ^^. and if its not too much trouble could it display face graphix instead of the sprite?. Heres an example I made and I added a battler and cloths so whoever(if anyone) decides to tkae this request they dont have to dig up or make recources them selfs.

Example in link to save post space.

http://www.maj.com/gallery/crashdog/gam ... racter.bmp[/IMG]

http://www.maj.com/gallery/crashdog/gam ... cloths.bmp[/IMG]



http://www.maj.com/gallery/crashdog/gam ... adband.bmp[/IMG]
There's one that does that for the status window... but only in the menu (won't update the battler for the battlesystem).
Battler Graphic in Status Screen, updated by equipped armory
http://hometown.aol.com/Der%20VVulfman/ ... s/DEMO.PNG[/IMG]http://hometown.aol.com/Der%20VVulfman/Files/RMXP/RMXP-ORG/Forum_Icons/FORUMS.PNG[/IMG]
by Duke Igthorn (02-01-2007)
Custom Menu Add-Ons / Audio/Video Enhancements / Equipment Related
The basic idea was to have the Battler graphic in status screen showing up, instead of the walking sprite or the face. And I wanted the graphic to update if the actor has a weapon/armor/shield equipped. Further I wanted this update to be specific to the kind of weapon/armor/shield to make the graphic most fitting to the actual equipped stuff. I left accessories and helmets out, but they can be easily added if required.

Unfortunately I have absolutely no idea how the standard battlesystem calls the battler graphic so I wasn't able to incorporate this in the battlesystem as well...​
do you think that it could posibly be done so that it would update the characters sprites as well like a visual script? Im using a tactical battle the ZTBS(for now) so that might just comlicate it more. And for those wondering about the spriting.... Im just gona draw the females in one pose and maes in another then same for the diferent armor types for each gender.

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