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Edit to the DBS and weapons

Okay, what i'm looking for is an edit to the Attack function of the DBS and the weapons. Basically, you have two weapons equipped through the Equip Menu, the primary and reserve weapons. Once you press Enter on the Attack function, it comes up with a mini menu. From here you can choose to attack with either the Primary or Reserve weapons. Each weapon has ammo which is held in the inventory, and the ammo is different for each weapon. It shows the ammo to the side of the weapon name. You choose the weapon and it shoots/ stabs ect and 1 ammo is removed from the total unless it doesn't need ammo in which case nothing is taken away from anything and it just attacks. The ammo required should be chosen with an element in the database.

Now, the other thing, each character can equip two of these, and as each character uses the weapon, their skill with it increases, from 0 to 255. Each of the weapon skill rates should be kept in a script variable so it can be called up elsewhere if needs be. And as the skill increases the stats for that weapon increase for that character.

Full credit will, of course, be given and full kudos if anyone manages to do this. ~Fallstel x

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