You were supposed to PM J.D. Slasha to reopen the old thread. :dead:
Anyways...(man I use that word a lot)
The thread is terribly disorganized. Your "info" is scattered everywhere. It's really hard to read. Take the time to organize the thread into sections (ex. "Story", "Characters") so we can read it easier.
On to the actual game. The story is very cliche. The "father is dead" plot is waaay too reused, as are the "main character that lives on a farm" and "wants to explore the world" plots. Why did the father vow death upon his family? Give us at least a paragraph instead of a few broken sentences, at least!
Also, what about the characters? Who are they? What are their goals? Motivation? Personality? Traits?
And although the mapping isn't horrible, per sey, it could be much better. My advice-post some maps in the Mapping Improvement thread in RM Discussion.
I'm guessing that this is your first game. You say it requires a lot of time and effort-Great. Seriously, you have no idea how many people underestimate it. You seem like you're determined, which is really good. I hope you finish this game. If I sound like I'm trying to be mean or hate your game, I'm not, I'm just trying to give some good critique to help make your game even better.
(FYI, you should upload images to Imageshack or Photobucket instead of Deviantart)
I might say more later on.