thanks for those suggestions I got all the info I need now that I finished getting a little info I am ready to work on a game that actually is a little more advanced like the one I am making called dawn of the deathmarch which will have an ABS in it and a lot of other stuff I will also take some of your advice and try working on some stuff. thanks for the help! Oh and yeah about the grammar I dont really focus on putting in the grammar really
so in alot of my posts you may find grammar errors. but yeah for the people that kinda played this version a little I am planning to come back to this game later and work on it by making it have an ABS, more scripts and all that good stuff but until then I am going to work on my dawn of the deathmarch game (DOTD). I should get a demo up in about a week (and for those of you who dont think my next one will be any better... think again).
so in alot of my posts you may find grammar errors. but yeah for the people that kinda played this version a little I am planning to come back to this game later and work on it by making it have an ABS, more scripts and all that good stuff but until then I am going to work on my dawn of the deathmarch game (DOTD). I should get a demo up in about a week (and for those of you who dont think my next one will be any better... think again).