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I hope you guys won't mind that I made a new thread ^^;
The old one was pretty bad to look at  :dead:

Finally I was able to submit some seemingly finished pieces XD

Click on images for full view.

Digital Media



My Game Artworks:

Riviera Fangame

Original Characters:
http://fc03.deviantart.com/fs29/i/2008/ ... exodia.png[/img]


http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w320 ... serene.png[/img]http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w320/ynlraey/Sacred/Fiaa.png[/img]
http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w320 ... Cierra.png[/img]

Sacred Moon Game
http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w320 ... Poster.png[/img]

Pixel Art

Sacred Moon Stuff:
http://fc01.deviantart.com/fs27/f/2008/ ... exodia.gif[/img]http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w320/ynlraey/Sacred/Naenia2.gif[/img]



Criticisms are very, very welcome. For the Requests one, the elbow looks weird I know x.x
I really like these!!! I don't know why but i'm drawn to the middle girl in the "B&W" drawing! she's
so cute! Theres only one thing, the chest of the person with the blindfold and the black wings is a
little off ^^; but very good job over all, I like all the other ones completely! (I like that one too XD)
Yeah, I've been trying to get out of anime but so far my attempts are showing a little bit of improvement. So until I feel confident enough I'll post some ^^;
Thanks bunnykinx :3

Here's some I randomly sketch at class

Why are there arrows on her face?

Your shading and coloring seems decent, but I think that your usage of the anime style could seriously be detrimental. Do some studies in realism.
I find it funny that no one commented a realism-drawings attempt that I posted a while ago and when I posted this I suddenly got a realism-study approach when no one really comments in them :)

The arrows are from the pic (it's an, she has more tattoo coming up I'll erase the solid black outlines of that one. Thanks for the feedback though
The "Too Big" one's left arm needs to be longer other than that these pictures are awesome!
Keep On Going!(haven't said that in a long time)
i like your line arts better than your coloring. the way you color is washy and i don't think it fits inside the clean defined line art. I'd stick with inked black and white with maybe a dab of solid color (the splash of red eye in the succubus thing is ok because it's solid), or work on making your coloring create it's own line art, but the hard lines that seems to just hang over the coloring doesn't sit well with me


http://fc02.deviantart.com/fs25/i/2008/ ... exodia.png[/img]

i'de say thats the best thing up there. allot of the other stuff is way too Yu Gi Oh sans the hair / meh-anime to me.
Colors are too saturated too that's a big one. I hate to say it this way but add more grey/brown tones to your colors..


i did a really quick run-over with photo shop's desaturation brush (aka the sponge) just to give u and idea of what i mean. This of coruse is far from a perfect fix, but it definitely gets rid of the neon Crayola poster paint quality it previously held.
I heard that as much as possible, try avoiding grey, blue/violet/green are better for shading.]
The problem is the one you edited looks weird in my monitor O.o
It's like he's too dark or something.

EDIT: I asked my friend to checked it, I guess it's my monitor O.o
yeah it's good to shade with greens and purples but thats using them as the shadow, not saturating the image with greens and purples lol. th epoitn is that ur colors are too poster-paint.

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