Never tried coke, though I imagine its somewhat related to meth, which is a shitty high. Tried it in two forms, both smoking and snorting. Given it was the same night and was probably crap to begin with I couldn't stand it. Turned my eyes to glass, all day, long after the high was over, and it bled through my pores for over 3 days. Was an all around shit experience.
Weed can be very nice, very relaxing, given thats its laced with something hallucinagenic. Otherwise it just makes you very very slow, does nothing for the mind, and just makes you a total dumbass. At least if its laced then your seeing tracers and what not which is somewhat entertaining while your stuck being dumb, but for a reason you don't know its really funny. Though if you get someone to drive you around and has a nice system with some good bass playing it feels pretty cool on the body. Its a much better experience that way then sitting in a room laughing over stupid shit because everyone is dumb.
Shrooms <3 <3 can't recommend these enough to someone with a good mind and intelligence that can really appreciate the beauty of this high. Never taken them in the day, but I have a strong feeling that it just wouldn't be the same. There are conflicting opinions on this as some people will say this is a drug for indoors in a party atmosphere with the strobelights and loud music. Its a good experience, but I prefer this drug outdoors. Especially somewhere where you can overlook the city at night and when you see a car drive by the tailights will leave a trail that goes for days. No person has ever seen the beauty that is color until they've been on shrooms, an exception might be acid, but I don't have the experience with it to say.
The highs are absolutely euphoric, one because it makes you feel like your thinking as if you were a scholar, two because the way you see colors are so difficult to describe in the language of sober, three because sounds are felt physically with the body, and four because your on a ride that will carry you for hours. I like it because its so different than anything you experience in the sober world. For example your eyes will make sense out of anything you look at. If your looking at a gravel driveway your eyes will somehow make immense patterns out of the rocks as you look at them making the driveway seem like its now a fucking piece of art. Hard to discribe really, but there is just something awesome about physically seeing something appear in front of you that you know is really not there. Thats why I say to try them if your someone who is intelligent enough not to believe something your seeing because you know your eyes are lying to you. There have been plenty of dumbass people who have jumped to their deaths because they either thought they could fly or really believed they were seeing a bridge across the cliff. Every drug I've been on or any drunk I've had there is always that voice in the back of your mind that knows that you are currently out of your head. You can still think and therefore know that what your experiencing is for enjoyment only and your never going to be able to fly no matter how many caps you eat. Its people who ignore this that end up hurting themselves or someone else.
One of the greatest experiences I've had on shrooms was the second time I had tried them. four of us divided up an 8th and went into the desert on his four wheeler. He had a dump trailer that went with it where we loaded up a bunch of blankets and pillows, and a cooler full of beer between me and another guy. My friend and his girlfriend drove the fourwheeler. And by the way this was a sober decision on our part before the high ever set in so its not related to above statement. ;p Anyway we do crazy things, so we decide to take this fourwheeler out and rip up some trails at 3 in the morning. It was a full moon so we didn't use the headlight. My friend had the fourwheeler at 60 miles an hour ripping across the desert with two guys in a trailer without anything to strap us in. Needless to say it was a fucking thrill. Had to laydown and whitenuckle the side of the bucket to not be thrown out and it was awesome.
There was a freeway that ran through the center of the town and we followed about a 1/4 mile from it where there was an accident that had the freeway backed up. They had to call in a lifeflight helicopter that noticed us out in the desert as they were flying in. The helicopter ended up putting its spotlight on us as we were racing through the desert which scared the hell out of the other guy riding in the trailer. By that time we were all well into the shrooms and he told me later that he thought the helicopter had dropped a ladder and had guys coming down to arrest us somehow while we were still moving. For me I just thought it was a rollercoaster ride that I was on and knew it wasn't going to stop.
The reality of it, even if the helicopter had notified the police on the freeway that there were 4 crazy ass people being recklace in the desert at 3 in the morning, there was no way for them to get over to us. No exits from the freeway for miles and good luck with them trying to get a vehicle out to us where we had taken fourwheeling trails to get out there. Needless to say we were safe and the helicopter left us alone. Furthe down the freeway there two massive tunnels for flashfloods that were something like 30 feet across each. Inside the tunnel they were about 400 feet in length so it was a cool place to go. The four of us ended up in there playing around with the accoustics that were amplified in the tunnel and we ended up doing all these crazy ass full on tribal beats complete with a vocalist and 3 drummers.
It was a fun night, one of the better experiences I've had on shrooms. After the tunnel we stopped out in the desert where the guy who rode in the bucket and I both ended up seeing a golden road that went serpent like off into the desert. It was such a tempting experience to follow it but we were already 5-6 miles outside of town and it would have sucked to have had to walk back, let alone who knows how far we would have followed that trail.
The final thing I've ever tried was huffing paint as a teenager. I should have been beaten so fucking severly for this as it was the stupidest thing to ever do. I was rebellious and probably a little crazy as a teen so I really didn't care when my friend offered it to me. Just spray the paint in a bag and enhail the fumes. We went through at least 8 cans worth of paint and I know that he went through several more after I left, something like 6-8 hours later. The time went by so damn fast I don't know how long the three of us were holed up in this tiny ass waterheater closet so the excess fumes could be sucked out through a vent.
Though the high we felt I am unable to completely comprehend, it was something that I had never approached since. I swear my friend and I were having this crazy psp thing going on that we would hear what the other was going to say before it was said and then we'd watch as the lips moved as the person said what we already heard. It was crazy. The highs only lasted about 20 mins a pop before you had to enhale again, but they were stronger then any other drug I'd had. Unfortunately when I woke up the next day I knew that something was missing from my mind. I could tell that my way of thinking had changed and it scared me because I knew that I wasn't going to get it back. My memory took a hit from it and it hasn't been the same since. When carrying on a conversation I'll sometimes have to stop for a good long pause to recall the word that I was trying to think of. Though thats not really affected when I'm writing, only when I'm talking it seems. So stay the fuck away from paint, the high is incredible, but the damage caused from the fumes happens fast and are imediately apparant when the damage is done. Luckily it wasn't something that destroyed me and no one but a few people know about it, but I know it, and my friend said that he felt that something had changed as well.
Anyway, that is my book on the subject, if you don't read it that so does not bother me. ;p