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Drop ship WIP [Need help to improve]

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Thats actually looking alot better. Im a bit worried about the two circular objects on the first downward pole thing. The shading is a bit off.  I would really like to see the finished piece
Okay updated again. Changed shading added more, I also designed a dual engine to replace the ones on the craft's arms. They're heavily based on yours so I hope I have done your design som justice.

http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh19 ... ating2.png[/img]

Do you think i should add them as they are now? I had planned to fix them to the horizontal section of the arm where the engines were attached.

Edit: using engines like this, I'll have to animate a form of flame now :)
When youre doubleing an object its always to copy it to anotther document and do an image flip. Also the connectors are almost non visable. Try highlighting them a bit.
yeah, those "bump extentions" are to pick up the box. They have a locking mechanism on the inside which correlates to the bolts on the box. Though they could have engines attached if thats the best design concept.

(Your recoloring and design tips have forced me to think with a lot more of a logical critique on how it would move as well).

The reason that they were positioned on the arms was for stability during flight. if the ship is ballanced on those two columns of thrust,  it'd fall forwards or back. but if they were positioned  on each leg. Four colums of thust are much easier to ballance on.

What would be your suggestions on that?

(Oh FYI. In the last example of mine, I only placed the engine on the forearm, in the final one id have the engines on all four... so it would look balanced).
Okay, well seeing as this is complete... I'll request it closed. I'll post all of my work now in a workshop type thread... You'll have to shield your eyes though... It is all in that bright orange lol.
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