I had the weirdest fucking dream last night...
Apparently I wanted to invite my pals over for an Oktoberfest party, but my mom went and started fussing over whether I had done my homework. 30 min later I finally managed to prove I had it finished, (absurd no?) so my pals came over... First we had a fight with giant foam clubs that looked more like a burnout showtime. Then we became bored of that, and had the weirdest game ever. Us dudes were fighting over the ladies a the party, and damn it was a DBZ style fight, except that to go super saiyan we stuck our dicks (through clothes, too) into holes in the decorative pumpkins out front, like giant power plugs... At one point I charged up to level 10 (there is one?) came on everyone and won the hottest girl... Then the parents shepherded us in because the house we were "playing" in front of was "haunted", they acted like nothing was strange either...
take into account that I'm sick with a bad case of the flu, I've been in bed for 16 hours now with a high fever and little to no food or drink, and that I'm on a bunch of meds...