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Dragonball Z Half Kaizer Characters

As a big fan of DB, i really like those!But it would be hard, to make a DB game with them, cuz u need em all doing kamehameha - stuff, and flying ... so many poses. but trunks looks really good.
Thanks ^^.. yeah that's kind of what discouraged me from making my own DBZ game.. hopefully someone can use these and make a good one someday! Anyways I'm going to try to do one character a day so I'll probably have Goten done by tommorrow (or today if I'm really feeling motivated)
Another problem will be to find matching Tilesets. You need it to match the halfkaizers and you need all the dragonball stuff in it... like those capsule houses, namekian houses and all the vehicles...
but thats not your problem i think ;)
Uau! I like them, some people say, it's not equall to Dragon Ball Because the hair, the clothes.....What it interests? They are awesome, and i'm with open mouth, they're awesome, i could imagine doing a game with that :O Very Good, Congrat Slasha...

Stay Cool.....
I just recognized a mistake in your Piccolo.
If it's supposed to be the DBZ Piccolo, you can't see his horns. HIs hat-thing coveres them totally in DBZ. (See for example DrgonBall-Cover 28 -> Fight against Freezer)
Sapphire said:
I just recognized a mistake in your Piccolo.
If it's supposed to be the DBZ Piccolo, you can't see his horns. HIs hat-thing coveres them totally in DBZ. (See for example DrgonBall-Cover 28 -> Fight against Freezer)

I think I might actually just redo him... his sprites waaaaay too dark.. but I do see what you mean about Picollo...

Anyways, forgive me everyone if I haven't been updating this... works been pulling some overtime and with my bext friend about to leave for college I'm trying to hang out with him a whole lot... anyways EVERYTHING (not just this topic) will be updated soon....



they look great, but i do have a big issue with one aspect of ALL of them...
right above the belt there chould be a little fold of cloth and it goes straight down to the belt.... its been bugging me on every one lol i jeep looking at it trying to fix it with my eyes..... but it didn't work lol

nice work though




These look pretty good. I feel like I should point out that Piccolo's antennae aren't actually visible when he's wearing the turban though.
Elvon;179247 said:
These look pretty good. I feel like I should point out that Piccolo's antennae aren't actually visible when he's wearing the turban though.

Yes, thank you. however, those sprites are in that spoiler for a reason, ya' kniow? I'm redoing all these sprites and more, as the only one I find acceptable as of now is the new version I made of Chibi trunks. Thanks for trying to help tho...
man i love your style as i told you before especially the black outline/cel-shaded look you have to teach me how to do that with rtp and actually have it look good XD
Never tried it with RTP (personally I think that there's just not enough room for detail), but you could probably make it work. Try outlining the sprite with a black outline.
Hey, thanks for accepting my suggestion to bring back to life this topic. The new trunks looks a lot better, and more cartoony. Great work so far JD.

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