This chess variant involves three 8x12 boards. The pieces are as follows (left to right, top to bottom):
The colors are Gold (White) and Scarlet (Black). Turns occur like standard chess.



The colors are Gold (White) and Scarlet (Black). Turns occur like standard chess.
Remember, I DID NOT MAKE THE RULES! This was made by a guy called Gary Gygax and it belongs to him. I'm just making it into a real game, not just a chapter in a book (it was featured in a story he wrote). And, since Mr. Gygax died recently, I will be dedicating this game to him. Just that much more incentive to get it finished ^_^
Thanks to the help of GubiD, I now have a working Chess System, able to work with all of the piece movements and capturing. However, I still do not have a checkmate check or an AI. The next release should show a playable version, at least with standard matches, and I require a new programmer for that. So, anyone willing to spend a lot of time programming a chess AI, of any kind, please contact me.
I might adjust the rules slightly, since Gygax never finished working out all of the kinks to the system. Hopefully, by the third demo, I should have a full campaign mode worked out, which I have been planning on from the start, and a way to customize the matches, if possible. If nothing else, I will have locations to select and AI difficulty. "Zeke's" gotta be able to be beaten, after all, while still being a challenge.
For now, the only demo is a list of the rules and movements for the game. This will teach you how to play and will be viewable in the final game as well.
Demo 1: Tutorial (3.77MB)
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